Tuesday 30 July 2013

Tolerant Tuesdee

Wonka here.   Much cooler but news of fresh heatwave coming and I quote ' could be as early as thursdee' unquote.  Just have to increase my naps that's all I can do folks.  Owner been very well behaved today, no complaints (that I know of) and not lost it once.  I suspect this is down to a good haircut day (praise be) a good supermarket shop day (no one following that Owner knew of - honestly) and a good night's sleep.  I did promise a photo of Baba's Buddlea which Owner suspects is growing faster than normal and is a sign.  I said sign not shrine - that's the kennel

I agree folks it doesn't look brilliant but wait and see.   it was a tiny shoot when Baba crossed over into the animal sanctuary in the sky.  Me? thanks for asking, getting there and have had some tea (Owner remembered to feed me).  Tonight I have checked and it is a wasteland of viewing unless you like enders and more on the Whitstable/Witney storyline it seems she is throwing herself at the wrong sort and ignoring good solid boyfriend, and then the hospital thingy. oh and a cruise ship.  Owner in trance as noticed our friend Novak (the nice tennis player) on a little video thingy.  But his main attraction (for me) is he supports a charity.  good on you Novak!  If Owner ever comes into money highly unlikely, says will form an animal charity immediately.  I say charity begins at home!  take care out there.  Big love wonka x

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