Wednesday 4 September 2013

Fish and Chipped potato Wednesdee

Wonka here.  yes, it was another Summer's day in early September and even aged parent was sitting outside with a sun hat on (essential wearing) under an umbrella ella ella.  Civilised is the word Owner wants to use to describe meeting up with.  Says discussed politics and meant nice Mr Cameron and that school boy Ed.  Also discussed tomorrow which is first birthday up and it's Owner's sibling.  Crushed into a busy bee day by work, interviews, checking on me (and this is very very important) and then rushing up to siblings' to celebrate.  Cake is already there, plus a really jolly candle arrangement.  And it's not just any cake and candles.  Oh no.  They come from that evergreen dept store M&S.  So we know in advance should be OK.  Says is now nervous over interview.  I told Owner to get a grip! (nearly under the bed.  not quite).  Then what else today oh yes, daughter and grandson arrived and I had to put up with endless comments about my weight, comparing me to beached whales and whatnot.  Also endless tummy tickling.  I ask you.  Owner would drone on about the new carpets and décor, so I did a small demonstration of how thick the carpet actually is and could only prove this by clawing it madly!  Then they all dashed out for fish and chips only Grandson insisted on chicken nuggets followed by a giant choc fudge pudding.  Surprised they got back on the train to be honest and I only had a modest saucer of chicken.  me Fat??  Owner says will take a cool calm look at job description (don't mention the 10 minute presentation) before settles down to usual tv fair.  This will be corrie x 1 and I dare say poor Hayley (dying of a tumour and not as previously thought in the brain.  not that this matters if you are dying of it.  Then I expect it's academic where the deathly tumour lies) then we hope to laugh and have fun with our celebrity masterchefs and beloved Les Dennis and serial killer Brian.  I still maintain you cannot be a serial killer with that name but I forgot it was Richard when he was doing it (in corrie).  Now Ruggles was here for breakfast asleep on the fitted carpet (there it is again) in the shed and here for teatime.  We love him we do.  The miracle Buddleia is still sprouting a lavender flower and the minute it turns Owner will take a photo specially for you all.  And as usual I like to wish you all out there a pleasant evening, docvedanya, bonsoir, au revoir, howdy and just plain go steady out there.  Big love Wonka x

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