Saturday 21 September 2013

sore throat satdee

Wonka here.  Quel Surprise folks, did it go very mild and sunny out there.  People trotting around with tea shirts and sandals on and Owner said town was jammed packed with grown ups, children, old people, buskers, feathery people playing flutey things, it was hellish (reports Owner).  Yes you guessed it, Owner has developed a cold in the night, says knew was ill in the middle of the night as had sore throat and hard to swallow.  Oh dear I said (hoping this won't affect my feeding routine or any other routine come to that.  so far so good).  Then it would keep sneezing and how annoying is that!!  Despite feeling ill though managed to complete a job application (for the job she is doing.  usually does not bode well.  haven't said this).  Then, got it together and rushed out into town to buy clothes for aged parent, more food for me and possibly something else.  after what seemed like a lifetime, finally fell back through the door with several bags of shopping.  I mean, me and Ruggles were waiting to be fed!  I got real chicken and once more does Owner entice ruggles into the kitchen where his overflowing plate of food is laid near to the good back door.  Bit later on does Owner spot Tinkerbelle dashing across the busiest road we know of, and then does another cat introduce itself at the gate!  think this one lives over the back way and sleeps on a wall.  Think it has a home, (Please).  So here we are again satdee night entertainment bring it on, that singing fest and hopefully some people being healed in minutes in Casualty with those nice Doctors and nurseys. So go steady out there and take plenty of Vit C that's what Owner doing to stay on feet and look after me properly!
Big love Wonka x 

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