Tuesday 12 November 2013

Publishing Tuesdee!

Wonka here.  Words cannot express how much me and Owner love days like these.  But we shall try folks.  blue blue sky, yes.  Sun.  yes.  Plenty of seagulls on the rooftops?  Yes!  and so I have been on seagull watch earlydoors, mostly out front as today is dustbin day and those speckledy baby seagulls they love an overflowing dustbin.  It's hard work keeping up with those wily birds as they do trip trap over the rooftops and disappear for hours on end!  I love it.

Fresh para and a photoshoot:
Now this is out back folks, but you get the picture.  Days like these we love them.

Fresh para of significant importance which warrants some of these***************

and search for 'Wonka' and then find
Wonka's Christmas Story

follow that link folks and you will come across Owner!!  and then you will come across my very own Christmas Story.  could not be more proud really.  Normally Owner would shy away from this kind of promotion but I said to her, BE BRAVE, and things like sticking your courage to the sticking place and you'll not fail - which we think is a terrible misquote from that Shakespeare play.  We love it.

Final para.  Yes Ruggles trotted in for tea and yes he has been spoilt spoilt spoilt.  Owner has been messing about moving the luxury igloo (do you remember that?  me?  I just get to lay on luxury carpets) around the shed in the hope that one day ruggles will go in it!  In the meantime he is laying on the good car seat.  and the only reason there is a good car seat in the shed is because Owner was advised to get a new stroke second hand driver's seat for the car.  The car aka the Skylark, was ailing for a new Driver's seat according to this mechanic (don't get Owner started on mechanics) so did she acquire one and have it fitted only to have to bring the old one back home.  hence it went to live in  the shed.  That story has quite worn me out!  We love it.  Now tonight we are on with Enders and have to make it up as we go as missed last night's important episode.  Which storyline has boiled over we wonder? After that we are in love with the nice hospital drama where all nurseys and Doctors are in love with the wrong ones!  and some of them are having a baby too.  We are tired out but happy folks.  Now please go steady out there,  and hope you listened to Scarborough Fair!
Big love Wonka x

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