Thursday 22 January 2015

Hair Rescue Thursdee

Wonka here.  Guess what?  NO that is not it.  Owner had to call her beloved hairdresser Graham to sort her fringe out.  According to Owner, she looked like a roundhead stroke peasant stroke village idiot (sorry John Mills who did play such a person in Ryans Daughter.  Owner says).  of course she looked just the same as always and goodness knows what Graham must think.  Me?  I do know him and he has played with my monkey toy on an elastic thingy but as soon as he knocked on the door I ran upstairs.  it could easily have been one of those pesky Vikings posing as him.  Armed with scissors and combs.  See how easy it is to blend in? heh?  HEH???  anyhow, Owner mumbles up what she NEEDS doing and the next minute, snip snip, comb comb and it is done.  She loves it!

Fresh hair rescue para.  Now because this happened today it is interrupting Wonka's Gallery.  I am alright with it because it was only Rugglesis turn you have all seen me and Bertie Bubb.  And Ruggles-top can hold off until tomorrow yes he can.  So instead there is a good cartoon of Owner's fringe being rescued:

There she is!! and that silly old pudding basin on her head is what she THINKS she looked like.  How does it look now you all chirp up and say? SHE looks like a little angel.  I love my hairdresser she drones to me when he has whizzed off to the next faulty haircut and I was brave enough to come back down.  When you hair goes right Wonka, she reports up to me, YOU CAN FACE THE WOLD x

Final rescued up hair para.  Due to being in such a good mood Owner sped off to take aged sibling to the dentist with a happy heart, and came back in a dreamy state too.  Owner says this is all down to astrological conjunctions thingys with the moon popping into this sign and then other mystery moves.  All well and good I says up appearing to be interested as it was spot on my teatime, but what happened whilst you were there.  I FOUND OUT, she tells me all excited, that one of the dental people has a kitten called Bertie.  I truly tried to show interest at this folks but may have failed a bit, as any talk of kittens sends Owner on a giant worrywart and longing for the Boolleys.  To take her mind off this, I scraped a giant hole in the new and cheaper version of cat concrete I mean litter. Goodness Wonka! says Owner.  you are digging a hole to Australia!  (sorry Aussieland).  Now tonight we must cluster up to a double dose of Enders.  What with Mick and Linda and Shirlee and Dean all saying different stories and there is still a killer on the loose.  Not to mention that horrid evil Nick and I am not going to.  last night we were spoilt with Wolf hall and Owner is deeply in love with Mr Tom Cromwell.  It won't last as he is bound to do something upsetting eventually.  Tomorrow it is back to the wicked wold of work for Owner, so an early night for us.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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