Monday 2 February 2015

Groundhog day Mundee

Wonka here.  Good night's sleep?  Tick.  Up at the right time for the all important morning's work?  Tick.  rush to the shop for essentials, no non-essentials and did you take that too small swimming cossie back?  BIG TICK.  The planets must have realigned or whatever they do up there all day long.  Mercury is still retrograde droned Owner to me, and the MOON IS IN AQUARIUS.  Meaning?, I challenged up straight away.  It is all a bit dreamy, she goes back to me.  Well she is I don't know about all you good folks out there all focussed and on it.  BUT, I love it.

Fresh have we been here before para.  Owner sometimes likes to paw back through her diaries and blow me down does she do this last night.  WONKA! she goes up to me, and it did startle me as I was just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz under the bed. What?  I says trying to sound interested but not.  I AM READING last year's entry for around this time and NOTHING has changed.  I advised her to make a list which is really my top advice for everything good folks, to make a list of all the things she THOUGHT had changed then.  There were at least two changes so I rested up with my paws and resettled.  But all I could hear was Owner going: (quote)  I was at the same school, and having a time of it with the same hard faced supervisor, I was at the dentist having a time of it with my teef,  I was working on Duffel's story for Easter and as for my hair.........I did hope she wouldn't get round to that one.  Yes!  the Hair rescuer is nigh due!!  any moment now so I must be ready to dart up stairs in case it is a Viking disguised as him.  I love it.

Fresh groundhog para.  For our cartoon then it only seems fair to have one you have all seen before and I don't want to hear any more about it!!
There she is!  With our fave hairdresser Graham.  I specially like this one as Owner looks like a dreamboat which matches her setting for today....  I love it.
Final groundhog para.  Now when she flung back in from the new stroke old school I did ask how it all went and was that hard faced person still there.  And the rest!  she says up to me, but in a good mood.  Children?  Love them all, she reports to me and is ready for more tomorrow.   New hot off the press, we are now using Rugglestop as a barometer.  He went out briefly this good morn to return fairly sharpish instead of going on his rounds.  He was lurking under the bench when Owner tripped out to the bin.  GOODNESS she goes up to him, you had better come in.  And blow me down it has snowed.  Rug must have known, Owner I says.  YES and he has snugged all day on the linen basket.  We love him.  Tonight is the treble soap night and in good corrie Shinaid has regained feeling in her leg PLUS there is a great aunt or grandma or just an old woman joined the family.  Don't ask.  Jason and thingy are buying a house, perhaps, and Tracee is double dealing with Troy or whatever Jason's brother is really called (I prefer Troy and so does Owner) helping out.  In Enders, all are either (list) 1.  Lucee's murderer 2.  Shirlee's children 3. Having or had a baby to Dean.  and as Owner did say, they could be all three!  the excitement folks is unbearable.  Now some good news to relate is that our beloved Last Tango will be back.  Or has that already happened....... that's the trouble with a groundhog day folks you are never sure when it ends.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  And watch out for those groundhogs.  Big Love Wonka x  PS it's not often I do a ps but I am breaking with tradition.  Owner's hair: RESULT!! x

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