Thursday 5 March 2015

Croaking Thursdee

Wonka here. Owner is still full of cold and her lost voice has not yet been found and instead we have a croaking thing.
There she is!  for years Owner has been telling aged sibling and aged parent OFF for buying tissues and lots of them. and now, guess who is doing the same, eh? eH?  yes she is.  to make it look different she is buying those packs of little packs.  One day soon someone will design a pack of smaller packs of even smaller packs.  Like those Russian dolls (sorry Russia).  And this is all to do with that strange law that says the minute you have a sore leg or hand or finger do you keep hurting it some more....and so it is when you cannot talk you are expected to read stories and talk all day long.  I TRIED TO READ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, she droned to me, which the little people had demanded to hear.  How far did you get Owner? I said full of interest as it was dead on my tea time.
Up to the bit where the merchant, who is the father of Beauty and her two greedy selfish sisters, pinches a white rose from the Beast's garden.  which is a shame as Owner likes that story, and she has also wondered up about the two sisters thing, as in Cinderella there are two ugly sisters......I love it..
Final croaking para.   Owner was late back in and I was extra pleased to see her when she finally returned babbling about traffic and post offices and such like.  RUGGLES! she shrieks up once we have had a giant cuddle.  he has been out all day and I have had to put up with seeing him on the step looking mournful.  Bertie Bubb has been in the land of Wardrobe and I tried hard not to look at him last night or overnight for that matter.  Owner reports keep waking up and hearing the chink of the biscuit saucer.  I mean how does she expect me to get through the night without a snack or three? Owner is so thankful it is Fridee tomorrow she has gone straight to excitable setting.  Personally this suits me as (list) 1.  it means less mucking around with her hair and saying things like IT HAS GONE TO NOTHING Wonka....zzzzzzzzzzz OH and 2.  she goes a bit vague and overfeeds me and shakes loads of dreamie biscuits into my saucer.  Tonight there is a new series to cling to and it is called Banished.  All the reports are to the good but then they would be.  We will watch it and report up.  One bit of blurb says it is set in a penal colony (OOH) where the convicts are all suspiciously attractive.  WELL LISTEN, as Owner does NOT want to look at ugly people at 9pm on a Thursdee eve,  End of.  And before that is Supervet and we love him, our best hero.  (also very attractive).  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it and especially if you have a lost voice.  Big Love Wonka x

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