Wednesday 22 April 2015

Haircuts agogo Wednesdee

Wonka here.  YES, it is true, it seems like 5 minutes since the last hair rescue and you all quite rightly shout up and say NOT AGAIN!  and HAS SHE ANY HAIR LEFT??? I can vouch for the fact that she has, although it is very short I mean chic looking now.  Does she, you all whisper now, like the colour?  YES, she has not as yet rushed to the nearest shop selling hair product, and bought up any packets of dye with pictures of beauty models on the front with impossibly beauty hair.  It is all a ruse (blimey I have outdone myself tonight) I says up to Owner, to get you, the customer, to spend more and more money, JUST BECAUSE you are having a full on ugly day.  She didn't hear me though above admiring the new and chic hairdo in the mirror.  I love it. x

Haircuts agogo para.  This all happened bang on my tea time and I had to behave and look all friendly and nice, for a good two hours folks.  I even let that nice hair rescuer put all his millions of bags and capes on my sideboard and spread a big plastic thing over my best toy and nearly in my amazen box.  Here's the best bit though, Rugglesis, who as we know is afeard of anyone aside from Owner, lay nicely on the step out back EVEN THOUGH, there was a third party in the house.  Well done Rug I says up, from the snug and safe zone of my box.  Bertie, who is the sleeping beauty in the land of wardrobe, did not realise any change in the dynamics (OOOH I SAY) of the household and is fast over.  I love it loads.

Small but necessary haircuts agogo cartoon para.  When Owner is back in love with her hair, we are all in for a good time of it. 
There we are!!  Our hair rescuer first joined us last September and somehow, despite Owner's snippings and DIY attitude with a new colour here and an experiment there, is bearing with it!  And today, has made Owner look the tops!
Small but vital political update para:  they say no news is good news and although listening up hard for any party talk Owner says she has heard DE RIEN.  all she has seen is a couple of stab in the backs at nice Nicola and other parties saying do not trust her.  yes.
Final I love my hair para.  Owner had a fab day with the people who treat you with total respect are friendly and loving and who need a bit of looking after.  So she was not in a school today, but with Mencap who have all taken a happiness tablet, yes.  There is tiny downside to this and guess what it is?  YES you are righter than right, it meant Owner had to miss Ronnie on the snooker table, and with or without his shoes on.  Will he be fined for that you all want to know?  The answer is blowing in the snooker wind and we will keep you posted folks but the important news is that he is through! 10 - 3.  We love him and Owner is going to throw a coin into the wishing well to watch the next match all the way through. 
Tomorrow folks has nothing, no nothing in it as yet and who knows what it could bring? eh? EH? tonight we are stuck like glue to Corrie and whether David has been kidnapped by Killum we mean Callum and whether there is a new romance for Roy amongst the veg up at the allotments.  Also Gail might get to marry thingy before the truth rears its imposter of a son head.  Do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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