Thursday 2 April 2015

Happy Thursdee

Wonka here.     I know.  I know.  this is so unusual to report up, but yes, Owner has come home four days in a row HAPPY.  I am blaming it on all those people using the Brookleigh Centre who refuse to be miserable about any lack of learning ability and INSTEAD spend all day long being happy and see this rub off on the staff.  Owner is proud to present a cartoon of herself, by Elaine who goes there.

There we are!  It is called (by Owner) ' This is me.'  And you will note: pink trousers TICK, orange hair TICK and PINK lipstick TICK.  It was created by Elaine, who is also deaf and Owner says she communicates better than a lot of people she knows who are NOT deaf.  We love it. x

Happy and we know it para.  I am NOT used to Owner tripping back in laden with essential shopping and smiling.  It is unsettling for me, not for Bertie who is in the land of wardrobe and knows no different, and Rugglestop would just turn the other fat cheek.  but me?  thanks for asking, I don't even have to nudge the row of biscuit packets or knock over the odd tray of delux feline fodder because Owner is going to me...'are you starving Wonka?' and 'OH, your biscuits need topping up.' and finally...'Would you like a dreamie?'  it cannot last, but for now, I LOVE IT x

Final big and happy para.  another reason to be as happy as you like is that it is Easter and we have a small break from the proceedings.  The bunny ears are perched on Maximillian snow leopard and the light up chick is ready to light up (cartoon to follow folks).  The Narnia cupboard is bulging with eggs (for Daughter, grandson, aged sibling and parent)  What about you Owner?  I says up...where is your egg??  I am making do, she reports, with my fave mint aero.  who knows folks out there possibly hoarding millions of eggs to yourselves, an egg for Owner may yet turn up.  In the meantime...

Small in fact minute report on the political front.  all to say here is that there are 7 yes 7 parties all debating their stuff on good old ITV. it clashes with Masterchef though.  Enough said. x

End of that rhubarb and onto more important things.  Tonight we are up against Enders and may watch it only because Dee from the Centre watches it and wants Owner to.  I WILL TRY goes Owner.  I have already poured a tiny glass of medicinal red to help her through it.  Then, it is either shout at the tv (live political debate) or stand easy with the cooking.  Finally and to round off our night is Banished.  Can they keep going on that idyllic island some call Australia??  Will the governor be lynched?  These are reasons to watch it.  Now some of you will be enjoying an Easter break and some of you will be hard at it.  Either way, do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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