Wednesday 27 May 2015

Mizzle Wednesdee

Wonka here.

We are breaking with tradition!! YES we ARE!

 Do use this link to go straight to our newest story!!  Conversations with Wonka - Part five.
OOOOHHHH! Yes, me and Owner have been revving up to make a decision about this good diary...  I know there are some faithful folk out there and we love you millions NO trillions, BUT, as you also know, I have to keep Owner on track and she is wanting more time to write the next story...which is all about Diva.  This means (list) 1.  a possible Diary break 2. doing it once a week 3. once a month 4. never again in our lifetime (hankies away folks). OR changing the format altogether................
Owner is all for being revolutionary (don't make me spell that word again ever) and trying something different.  Like? I went in that new and ultra annoying way... maybe do a full cartoon she suggested.  OH, I says up, but actually (get me) folks I quite like that new and refreshing idea PLUS it is in keeping with my hero on that bigger isle (hallo Australia!) called #Moondog (god) who does a nifty little cartoon himself.  it's all to play for says Owner.
Final mizzle word on it all.  We called it Mizzle because it is.  it is cold, damp, feels like autumn and now it is drizzling.  Even Ruggles caved in and asked to come back in and he loves it out back.  End of.  In the meantime folks bear with our new and changing diary.  Owner says we will post something tomorrow that is not VAGUE or CONFUSING and informs you instead.. and I love it.
Do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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