Sunday 1 November 2015

Like a dream........

The story of Owner's Big Trip folks - across the North Sea, through the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany!
I keep asking up, I say to Owner:
'You're not going to Europe again are you Owner?'
'NO Wonka! Just to the shops.'

Hmmm. I am keeping a beady eye trained on the suitcase. Yes. and this folks, is a little cartoon on it all............

 There she is!!! and she fell in love with Baden Baden and the funicular.  The what? I goes up to Owner.....IT'S A CABLE CAR Thing she tells me up and it whizzes up the side of this mountain.  I had cake at the top she shouts to me all excited.....and those pesky Romans had been there first....they even called it after Mercury the messenger of the gods.  OR Merkurwald ...... and possibly they marched around the Black Forest eating that very cake! Gateau to Go!
Was it your fave Owner, I says up and she admits she fell in love.
BUT, all good things come to an end Wonka.  Yes I says, except the endless supply of photos and wotnot but she didn't hear me above talking to Bertie in his igloo, and Rugglestop on the step.  I mean.

The week ahead is before us folks so brush up your fur and sharpen your claws! and remember to rest up whenever possible! zzzzzzzzzzzz OH! Big love Wonka X

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