Sunday 8 May 2016

World Donkey Day!

Yes Folks, everyone and everything has its day (not just dogs you know.X) and today is given over to those beauties!  Owner could drone on about them all day long and has plenty of snaps from the beach.  donkeys standing on it, trotting along with little people on it, leaving it, going to it............and then, wherever you turn round in our good house, you will see a donkey on your travels.  Here is one of them:
There he is!! this little fellow was bought by Owner, when she lived by the sea in sunny Clacton-on-sea! From a tiny junk shop. He lives in our bathroom BUT for this occasion was allowed out.  In the back, that is Tinkerbelle (carved by Owner's Dad, who is now in wood carving heaven.X) there is a little green rabbit, Father Christmas (he lives there all year round. and why not we love him.) there is another donkey, made of china or if not it wants to be, and FINALLY there is the Plymouth pony.  Owner had to buy him for far too much money when she went down there the other year.  I could not advise her to curb her spending as I wasn't there folks!!!X
Owner has slept in two days in a row and I blame all that horrid accounting.  Money is the root of all poor nights sleep I tell you.  I think it is, but I can tell you know, the second my furry head touches the luxury carpet under Owner's bed, I am in the land of nod folks. I mean all that chasing I mean checking up on Bertie and paw under the door with Ruggles (when he comes home from the luxury shed.x) it is tiring.X
To celebrate this good Donkey day I have insisted that Owner takes a little time out from horrid accounting to wander down North Bay and have an ice cream.  I AM NOT A BIG FAN OF ICE CREAM she droned to me, but she may park up and get some of that beauty sea sparkle in her eyeline. Whilst she is out and about, I can have my siesta folks zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz OH!X
Last night we clung on to a little bit of entertainment but it was mostly Simon Ghoul I mean Cowell pressing his buzzer early and Dave Wallyams shielding his eyes from the acts.  Casualtee introduced a new person who is a doctor we think, and Zoeey has flung off to Michegan.  I know.  I DON'T GET OFFERED JOBS IN EXCITING PLACES moaned Owner to me, and I did say you don't get offered any jobs at all, but luckily she didn't hear me above battening down the hatches for the night.X
Tonight we will try and watch all things at once, that is The Durrells HUGE TICK, The Baftas HALF A TICK and to keep Owner from falling too low on the mood settings that nice Home Fires thing on ITV about war torn Britain.  We love it.  have a peaceful and calm furry day to yourselves folks and a good week ahead! Big Love Wonka X

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