Fresh X Factor para. From now until the run up to the DAY in December, we will have the X Factor to brighten up Owner's every weekend. That and Strictly. we may watch bits of Dr Who as well now that we sort of understand it. We dare not say too much about this, but Owner has told me she doesn't get the storylines. I THINK YOU NEED A PHd IN DR WHO to get them she says. What about I countered (like it) the Daleks then? I AM A DALEK!!! I have been copying this and saying it to Bertie, as a joke you understand, but Owner told me off for being too convincing. anyhow, today's good cartoon is us enjoying said programme.
There we are! Now that is the back of the new settee folks, with the nice green silk throw on it, and there am I in my new dark corner at the right hand side. it is a squash next to the standard lamp but I am fine there really. Owner could lay on the settee and be as comfortable as you like but prefers to sit on the luxury carpet. To the left of Owner is the trunk with the beloved laptop and there in front is the telly with a Dalek on it! Owner likes the Daleks and does a fair imitation herself. I love it.
Final hex factor para. So Simon ghoul aka cowell is back and Cheryl who has gone and got married and has a new impressive name is back too. Louis never went anywhere and then there is a spice girl. A SPICE GIRL I said to Owner, what is that? She used to be in this girl group goes Owner, called The Spice Girls. I mean Cheryl was in another girlie group called.....zzzzzzzzz sorry I must have dropped off trying hard to remember it. Simon cannot sing that we know of, and neither can Louis. so tonight we will be glazed eyes in front of more auditions folks. But our X Factor is nothing compared to the U S of A hex factor. if we want to go right over the top and back round the mountain this is the one. And we do want to do all those things says Owner. We may watch the village over on beeb one, but only if it is cheery and jolly for a Sundee evening. Now the new week is nearly upon us and guess what? NO! that is not it. Owner has finished a new short story which we will tell more about next week. It will be she says, the Tenth Wonka story!! I am proud. DON'T GET BIG HEADED Wonka, she says to me. Me? Certainly not. I am the most grounded cat I know. Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x