Saturday, 8 June 2019


WONKA YOU ARE BACK THANK GOODNESS you all mumble from the comfort of your pits and nests it being a Satdee and all - YES so now you can get the best pollytic reviews the BEST reviews of all the current rubbish me and Owner are having to watch and in the case of Owner, SHOUT AT THE TELLY ABOUT.x

SO here we are, having survived a break away by Owner to see beloved daughter partner and grandson.  DID IT GO OFF ALRIGHT WONKA you all ask now very concerned and what have you.  FOLKS, aside from a train strike in Brussels and beyond (for their pensions TICK X) aside from a three hour delay by #LNER trains back here in little ol ingerland (Owner still awaiting refunds AND compensation not tick X)  another delay by the next train to get her home (ditto the last one X) ALL went fine.  Owner even visited a little village called NUENEN (and Owner has had a good lesson from daughter how to say it it is NOONA) and you will all say what on earth is there Wonka ?  Van Gogh lived there had a fling there and generally walked in all the places SO Owner was following in his footsteps end of. X

There we are!! Owner's starry starry night sketch for you - we love those pesky stars. X

and listen up folks incase you have fallen back to sleep for a minute Owner is back over the water again at the end of this month as daughter is getting hitched!! BLIMEY Wonka!  Owner has trialed her outfit TICK and shoes TICK and is satisfied it looks alright and YES I have given it all my approval so we can all breath easy.  It has only meant Owner taking back numerous items to numerous shops with or without tags on it all (I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU TOOK THE TAGS OFF said this woman to Owner in Dorothy Perkins.  NO goes Owner, NEITHER CAN I. end of.X)  apart from all this buying and trying on business, what else has happened folks?  Ruggles is still eating his socks off, sleeping his socks off (under the giant nest that is Owner's pit) and plenty of the other.  Da Pip Squeak continues to learn from the master that is me.  It is now approaching adulthood according to all the millions of catfood and biscuits who all state you are a kitten UNTIL 12 months old.  THEN folks, it can set about mine and rugglesisisis cat food without Owner having to over see it all. I know. X

There she is!  with one of the trillion cat toys at our disposal X it is lion ted with rattle. XX
Now in the silly billy world of pollytics this little island has had to put up with Donwald the trump coming over here with a parcel of his fambily.  Tresa Grey who is no longer PM is still PM until the next disastah steps up to be IT.  Jezzer took a moment out from his greenhouse to do a few bits and bobs mostly bits and Vinnie has also stepped down for a new person to step up.  Today is Trooping the Colour and out she comes for what has been a pretty busy week in anyone's diary said Owner who knows all there is to know about busy.  YES it is the Queenie and the rest of them.  What a lark.
I haven't mentioned brixit on toast or the equally annoying new party that sprang up to get all the idiots (sorry if you are a real idiot.  not sorry if you are a brexit on toast one.X) voting and I haven't mentioned nige barrage either and I'm not going to and anyway the BBC has done that for all of us.  END OF X
Over on the telly we saw the winner of Brits got lots of talent winning and it was an old soldier singing we knew he would smash it BUT Owner really liked a magician and I really liked a comedian.  WE both knew they would not win though as you know I am a realist through and through.X  Over in Corrie land Carling brown eyebrows is still mad but mad in hospital and it has been revealed WHO DUN IT - twas Garee who did the roof in and thus has murdered thingy.  NO ONE PERSONNE knows this yet except all the millions of viewers like Owner shouting at the telly.  Dev has gone on holidee leaving Evelyn in charge which is distastah and Sally and Tim have a horse called Tiny now.  Our fave though is Gemah and Chesnee who are having not one not two not three but FOUR babees.  We love it.  The kids voice is back on but Owner may be shouting at the telly as it is none other than her arch enemy (owner cannot abide her voice. X) Jessee james or something very like that. XX  other than this, Connie is getting thinner by the minute and Owner's daughter hates her haircut which started off allright but owner now wonders if Connie has been going to her ex hairdressers.  I mean.X  We are still clinging to Holbee even though Owner hates several of the new Doctors and is underwhelmed by the story of Dom and his new REAL family as we still prefer his adopted and fake one. XX
You will all want to know that Owner's cold which was actually a virus of extreme proportions has now dwindled away to the odd volley of sneezing and her appetite is nearly restored.  She has had a shout for work and tackled a class full of disrespectful students.  Situation normal then I did say to Owner when she fell back in laden with more catlitter.  I HAD TO HAVE A WORD WITH THEM WONKA - and we all know what that means folks................X
Now as the new week can be glimpsed just over the horizon I want you to smile your furry socks off at whoever comes at you!! have a tiny dab at them if they keep coming at you and finally frisk up that fur!!  big Love Wonka XX

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