Monday, 28 September 2015

In other news..

What other news is this you all shout up at me?  Owner is hard at it, yes in between moaning, (about being on the scrap heap) having fits of nerves (what if this and what if that) she is doing the occasional sentence or two for #Diva part three.  This is the final part of the story and I love it!

Both fairies battle for her attention! and meanwhile Em is pondering on her choice of home...Glasgow and Gordon?  or back to Ma......find out soon X

As well as this you know Owner is telling the story of Tinkers and the boolleys (kittens).  She is up to the bit where we become a foster home BUT not up to the bit where hankies must come out.  I am prepared for this with helpful sayings like: IT WAS MEANT to be, and YOU DID YOUR BEST and WHAT ABOUT me, and Bertie and oh Ruggles who moved in like the Vet said.  it will keep you spellbound this last Conversations with Wonka (did I say last??) - and as per, it is my good self that keeps Owner on track.

WE have reached the Autumn folks, in our little Isle and this is the run up to all those festivities, and now Owner has more time on her hands (since no one wants her to slave for them) she has plenty of time to look after me, check on Bertie (fast asleep in the Narnia cupboard), or fret over Ruggles (in dreamy land on his heated pad atop the linen basket).

Big Fat PS - Owner has received the final proof read for the Christmas Story! WHOA and, has spied the cover.  do we like it or do we like it.  As Symon Ghoul is wont to say, we don't like it
WE LOVE IT! ....Until next time, Big Love Wonka X

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Wonka's Christmas Story - illustrated version!!

Here we are! Owner has had a last minute fit of nerves, saying what if this and what if that?? shfgsksk!!! I said back to her!  Just pop that cartoon on here telling folks all about it..........

Yes! That is me first, to tell you the tale, my Christmas Caterol, and then there is the sighting at the poor back door....what is it!  My story begins there and we meet Bad Owner of Sheba, our heroine who is a lady cat -  there are miracles to be had and there he is, at the end, our Jolly Santa tea light.
The joy of Christmas can be enjoyed by all in this special story and we cannot wait to see it in print! We will keep you all posted about it, and if Owner can stop with her nerves - perhaps a whisker too far.  Me?  thanks for asking, and just looking forward to the fame I properly deserve! See you again soon, big Love Wonka X

Monday, 21 September 2015

Can we talk about Christmas yet?

On its way, another beauty cartoon collaboration from us!  and this one is all about: Wonka's Christmas Story - the fully illustrated version!
First self-published for Christmas 2013 on
this one will be in the shops!!

Owner has submitted her first proof-read and waits to hear........

You will all have the pleasure of holding this beauty book soon, which is my Christmas Caterol specially for you. x
I tell you, we are all on a knife edge in this house! oh alright, Owner is on a knife thanks for asking.  rested up in the Zen box mainly, and also keeping an eye on things.  yesterday with no warning AT ALL, a black dog that turned out be called Poppy, jived into the back yard through the poor open back door and manged (ATE) all Rugglesis food and biscuits.  Where was Owner in all of this, you all gasp up! upstairs that's where.  What about Ruggles you all gasp! shot off out of it, that's where.  and finally, where was Bertie Bubb, you all gasp! in his Narnia cupboard oblivious to anything (good use of word.x).  so that is just one of the things that I have to keep an eye on.  My tail went to three times its normal size, thereby alerting Owner to the arrival of Poppy. (who departed for home.  just round the back of ours. yes).
so do watch out for the new cartoon coming shortly and this week if I keep Owner on task!!  until then, try and be good.  Big Love Wonka X

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

In between times

In between writing things, like beloved #Diva and fussing about it and wotnot, Owner had a birthday!
Are you having a happy one, I asked up, eh? EH?? This folks, was our card (from ME, the bubster Bertie and Ruggles) to her:

I would be happier, she goes, if more people were reading our #Diva stories.
Yes Wonka, she says, those links indeed.  apart from fussing round this, and then fretting about the last part, part three of the #Diva story.....(good fairy and bad fairy battle it out over Diva, Gordon does his best with Em and Ma and Kimmy dog....well you will read it and find out)
yes apart from this MINOR DETAIL Owner spent a happy day with daughter watching that special fairy tale of Cinderella - and eating.  a lot.  Me? thanks for asking - managed a bit of zzzzzzzzz, and a bit more snacking, and NO I didn't stare at Bertie overmuch.
Now we will be back soon with a new cartoon (rhymes!!)
until then Big Love Wonka X

Friday, 11 September 2015

A little Diva ditty




When you were just a tiny speck

Another time and place

Was set

In Glasgow city

And there lived puppy Diva


When you were just a tiny speck

The ancient Kingdom of Fairy

Did let

Good Fairy into this world

To plan and help and never

Leave her…….

But oh there was another one

Called Bad fairy


Is to be a mischief-maker

And herein lies the tale

The Story of Diva!

Big Love Wonka x        Just follow this link....for part one and two..


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Birfdee Season is up

It had to happen and it has.............Owner is having another birfdee.  another year Older I says up and you still look A TREAT!! (bordering on snack time folks).  In between having birfdees for her, aged sibling and daughter not to mention her friend who she fell out with (long but interesting story.) she has completed Part Two of #Diva and is ready to pop it on

What today Owner?  IF POSSIBLE she droned back at me.  You have to understand good folks out there all leading good routine normal steady lives, that we, WE, live on the edge.  On the edge of (list) 1.  Bad hair days 2. downright plain ugly days 3. zero hours days 4. all of that plus worrywart days...... BUT despite this, Owner thinks she may manage to do it.  And the minute it is uploaded, I will have a few well-earned zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

We love you Diva!  We left Part One, with Em and Diva up against it (Cousin) and Good fairy sending for help.......soon to arrive as Gordon, a Glaswegian to the rescue, but someone else is arriving too....
Oooh, that Bad fairy!  in the Spell..... so settle back everyone and enjoy the next part of  the Story of Diva.. which according to beloved Owner is now uploaded and is the 19th in the #Wonkastories series!!!  big love X

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Beloved September!

We love September in this house because Owner has a birthday in it, daughter has a birthday in it and aged sibling has a birthday in it - not to mention friends that Owner has fallen out with (again), relatives who are distant but having birthdays so that is alright then, and anyone else in the Wold who is having one.  We love it.

In other news!!  Owner has sat down and finally done it! YES, part two of #Diva is written and will be coming your way shortly!!
Blow me down too, if she isn't half way through the next story too!! I knew if she just buckled down to it and stopped daydreaming (watching tv, eating, relaxing and shopping for non essentials) she could cough up the next story!!  More soon, and until then Big Love Wonka X