There we are! Even the old rose is sporting some greenery, and the climbing rose too. We love it! (and so do those pesky pigeons.X)
You will recall folks, that last weekend Owner was busy uploading a new #Duffel story for ALL TO ENJOY? and then folks, those checkers and editors who hide away in tiny rooms OR even working from their homes - returned it back to Owner FIVE times saying daft things like PARAGRAPHS are not aligned or they are or some strange editing talk - I did think Owner would give in BUT NON!! Instead, round about the fifth edit, Owner sent a little note to their good customer help. THEN WHAT Wonka you all shout at me desperate to hear a happy ending. THEN folks she got a nice helpful reply AND #DuffeldoestheMet has made it into their Premium Catalogue!! BUT WONka you all continue to pester me and say: Is any one reading it Wonka? Not many. So do please spread the word - it is a FAB short story and I am sharing it on here forthwith!! X
Now I have linked and shared and widgeted and who knows it may even be on here for you!! In the meantime here is that hound dog of hound dogs, Anubis who stars in the story! X
There he is!! He was from the first dynasty and is the Protector of the dead souls. You can see him in the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art folks along with many other ancient wonders... (sorry Owner!only joking!! X)
Now some of you are celebrating your Easters and others are celebrating something else like a passover and there may well be other little ceremonies too. Me? I embrace all of it folks, but I do like a nice film and blow me down if The Robe wasn't on yesterday and we all clung to that nicely. There was the Roman side and there was Jesus's side and even some Greeks and wotnot thrown in. Richard Burton headed up the Roman side and Victor Mature who was a giant Greek slave ended up a disciple and the rest as they say, is history. I tried to get Ruggles interested but he insisted on settling down on his hairy furry blanket right up against his searing hot rad. Today we are clinging to Casualtee (there has been a car crash and no doubt Nursey Charlie will advise and save all - in keeping with the Easter story really) and there is the Voice but do they keep voting IN the ones that Owner says should be voted OUT. There is Troy but Owner has not warmed to the Trojans specially not Helen and is siding with the Greeks. I mean. X
In the pollytical world Tresa Grey is mounting a pilgrimage round the UK to apologise to all about the lying and scheming of her fellows that dare to call themselves our representatives and says she will cooperate instead with us (the people and felines oh alright everything else) AND jezzer and Vinnie and those Greens and deliver up a government for ALL the people not the FEW. Oh alright that is just a dream, a bit of fakery and ahead of tomorrow folks an April Fool. Vinnie is out there somewhere and Jezzer has risen from the latest scandal OR is tending to his allotment.X
Owner has been so busy writing stories and involving herself with Art fairs she has not considered a job. I'LL THINK ABOUT IT WHEN I COME BACK FROM Amsterdam she droned to me. Personally folks I think it should be TOP of her list not half way down it. I can only hope those food banks remember us felines need feeding too...................WHEN IS SHE GOING Wonka you all mutter to me glued to your Netflix and amazon and wotsits - Soon folks soon. I have seen some packing EVEN though it is not a suitcase I can tell there is something happening AND I expect to be spoilt rotten by my Auntie Paula. End of.X
In Corrie, our fave nasty, Feelan was last seen falling into the sea with Eileen at last seeing the light or was it the lighthouse and shouting LIAR to him as she stamped on his grasping hands....Evah has still not revealed to AAAAAden she is having his babe and no one PERSONNE has noticed she has a cushion up her dress. In Enders Staycee is still playing every single part and no one else is having a look in. KAT has returned along with a few other stragglers but they are just bit parts. I GIVE UP shouted Owner.X
Folks we are full steam ahead for April and can only hope the sun makes more of an appearance as Owner is SICK OF MY WINTER Wardrobe Wonka! I did suggest folks, that before she flings it a) (LIST ALERT!!) all in the bin b) all in a bag to give away or c) hangs it over the banister for a year or two TO give it a bit longer in the wardrobe. Wonka! WHAT? Owner hates wardrobes and does not have one................WELL alright but in that cupboard that pretends to be one then.XX
You will all want to know that the minute Owner droned to the aged parent that Ruggles no longer scrits in his ears and makes that gargling noise did he do just that. RUGGLES! she went to him. Alright it was just the once. Bertie bubb is fine and will not notice who is feeding her we think. I shall supervise her anyway so not to worry Owner!!X
Have a furry purry start to April folks, go steady on the chocolate AND you other felines and canines stay off it altogether. On second thoughts treat yourself silly!!! big Love Wonka X