There we are!! Owner's little cartoon tribute to the newbie. Born on St George's day too AND on a Mundee. And Owner says: 'Monday's child is fair of face.' End of.XX
I've come out of that bold folks as it is reserved for Royal announcements of which there will be more and more as Harry and Meghan tie the knot in 3 weeks. YES there will be a full report folks and Owner is already planning a tv fest to support it. I MAY WATCH IT ALL WITH THE AGED she droned to me. personally I think she will watch it there here and more here. In fact folks I am fully prepared for a big overdose of royal wotnots. And I can think of worse things to overdose on. BUT I will not mention.X
This household thinks that Tresa Grey is going to hide behind the wedding preparations hoping that no one PERSONNE will notice she is a rubbish PM with a even more rubbisher home sec. That is (or was) Amber Rudd who is on Red actually. All calls for her to resign (the entire country and some of the pollyticians) have been pushed to one side as she is VERY SORRY. Not as Sorry as we are! shouted Owner at the telly. And folks, not quite as sorry as Tresa Grey either. although perhaps they are having a merger on sorries, a bit like Sainsbees and Asda are. Jezzer is doing as well as can be expected for the leader of the opposition party (Labour folks) that is knifing itself in the back fairly constantly interspersed (need a lie down now.X) with the odd cries for his resignation. Vinnie pipes up now and then and the others are whispering somewhere. In other lesser news Donwald the Trump is tootling over to our tiny isle in July. I know. I know.X
Snooker has dominated on the telly. It goes on at 10 am and stays on. Ronnie who is the god of Snook in this household is still in with a shout OR still in with a shot. Just the click of the balls, the murmur of the commentators and the clapping. In Enders Owner has worn herself out with non constructive criticism. NOT YOU AGAIN she shrieks whenever Staycee enters stage left or right. Then there is Witneeee and that other girl Tiffaneeee not to mention Kat and co. we are currently unsure of the plot or storyline of any of the characters and now that Max has returned with a horrid wife anything could NOT happen. In Corrie someone has listened to Owner droning on about Toytown and Evah and their silly lies and made the former own up to Petah. Who, has instantly forgiven everyone bar his own son Symon who was blackmailing, stealing, skiving off skool and generally manipulating all. Carling black eyebrows must have the week off as all the stories are on PiRana who nearly got kidnapped (saying nothing and neither is Owner) David who has shacked up with a character called ? who has been in the show for 2 mins. Even Owner who can be very forgiving has taken a strong dislike and says he must GROW UP and talk about it. (the nasty conniving encounter he had with thingy.) We got to the end of Gianni Versace and his killer without too much hiding behind the settee and tonight we will cling fast to Casualtee. Everyone (including the entire Royal family) missed it last satdee when it got took off for the Queen's birthdee bash. Owner did watch it only switching it off when Alfie Boe came on (you recall he blocked Owner for saying something mildly funny in support of Terry Wogan and not idolising him!!) and aside from a little bit of mild shouting at Kylie (I'll have that on the brain now!) we got through.X
HAS OWNER GOT WORK YET WONKA? I saw her off to meet Kev the consultant folks last Tuesdee and she has filled out millions of paperwork proved she is herself and awaits the fatal call to work. And only then folks can I get on with my serious job here, of checking on tiger lily upstairs (Bertrude) and old Soldier down below (Ruggles). They are both fine and dandy, snoozing eating and the other.X
Owner has ignored the fact that the last two clematis did not survive her planting, the snails, being moved, tweaked and possibly over watered and gone and bought two more to try out. One is blue and one is pink. I HAVe PLANTED THEM IN NEW PLACES she droned to me but folks, the snails as you know can clamber about in all these places balancing on walls, plantpots, bits of wire and string they are MASTERS folks, of the little outback and many of them were transported here when we moved. THEY LOVE IT.X
There we are!! Last year's efforts folks. Will keep you posted on this year's! X
Owner has had a big tussle with the council and is talking about us all getting in the car and sailing off into the sunset. OH NO I mean driving. IT IS NOT EVEN MY PROBLEM WONKA she droned to me, it is aged sibling's. All I can say is, and I did say this to Owner but luckily she may not have heard me above pounding out a dissertation I mean email to a so called finance officer at said council - I said Owner you must have earned all this in a former life and it is karma - as I say folks I did whisper it at the time.X
Now next week is the big run up to the Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan! Yes we will be glued we love all of it - what with dentist appts (OH NO), reviews of care plans (OH NO) and the snooker final (OH YES) it is a busy bee week folks. Be sure and have your busy bee fur on, and your whiskers whiskering! Big Love Wonka X