Tuesday, 31 December 2013

******New Year's Eve Tuesdee!******

Wonka here.  do note that our new getting up time has moved forward by at least 2 and a half hours.  We love it!  Today's weather was heartwarmingly warmer but not heartwarmingly sunny.  It did infact rain a tad but are we worried I said to Owner.  NOT TODAY she goes.  yes she dreamt all night about work and things and said did more in the dream than when awake.  OH I said.

Fresh para.  Now without anymore ado here is our new year eve photoshoot which Owner thinks is appropriate (I say!) for the end of 2013 and the new 2014 just around the corner - and Owner says I must say sorry to anyone out there in the Wold who is already in the new Year.  Sorry folks!!
This folks is Owner's impression of a Buddha stroke Zen figure and that is the sign for good fortune which is what we wish each and everyone of you now and into the new year.  We love it.
Final para.  Owner has been out and been brave round the shops which she reports and I quote, were heaving.  Did you get everything I enquired (remembered my new word).  JUST ABOUT she said.  I daren't enquire as to our finances which must be very dwindled as we are stocked up with two tons of cat food (tick), cat litter (tick) real chick (tick) and things that daughter might like when she looks after me while Owner achieves dream (tick).  After being brave round shops Owner went on to be brave at visiting aged sibling and parent.  Do you have to do a double whammy I said, but I may have whispered it from upstairs whilst Owner putting three million pouches of cat food away.  The good news is she wasn't crying or laughing wildly when she stumbled back in.  The good new stroke second hand car with no name was parked up nicely just opposite so this maybe helped.  We still recall the time it was raining hard and the wind at gale force and Owner had to struggle home from streets away due to parking.  I try not to remind Owner too often of this.  Now ruggles like me enjoys chopped up real chick when he arrives at the poor back door.  I observe all of this from my perch on the sideboard, in the warm, and safety of the dining room.  He is yet to appear.  We love him.
Forgot it is not final para as I have not put my resolutions:  1.  go easy on the biscuits.  2.get plenty of rest.  3.  play with my toys more.  4.  Help Owner be cheerful and cope and 5.  Love Ruggles et al.
Owner said hers are: 1.  Less credit and more Debit 2.  get to Sheffield for the championship snooker at the Crucible and meet up with old friend too and 3.  Save up to go to New York
I hope you have enjoyed my little offerings throughout the year and maybe they cheered you up too.  Owner said to mention our pride in the Wonka Stories at Smashwords.com and also our new shop at Etsy.com called of course Wonka and Mousey!!  Tonight you will want to know how me and Owner will see in 2014 - we plan on our usual fare which is Enders and the hospital thing and Owner got high hopes of the babe arriving this time.  In Enders those strange sister Ronnie and foxy are at an impasse (I KNOW!!).  After all of that, Owner may watch the last episodes of beloved Breaking Bad and go into the bongs and chimes of Big Ben with good Tony Blackburn on Radio 2 because........We Love him!!  Please go steady out there in the World wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

Monday, 30 December 2013

Highlights Mundee

Wonka here.  Yes even I slept in folks.  got up, noticed it was dark, windy and rainin and came straight back upstairs.  Owner woke up checked I was still breathing and did the same.  There is nothing else for it on a day like today but to glance over your furry shoulder at the year going going before you look towards the purry future.  Did you dream Owner I enquired (new word.yes)  I DID she goes.  Said dreamt of old and wonder dog called Sam who Owner does not mention much but I know he was here down to photoshoot of him on the bedroom wall.  What happened I said.  he died in it she goes.  OH I said.

Now today as a small treat and to help us with this yesteryear thing a collation (oooh) of some of best bits from 2013:

The beloved skylark - goodbye

The Red arrows in June or July 2013

Owner does a design for a competition about her astrological (ooer) sign VIRGO

Our gorgeous hero NOVAK his sorrow in losing to MURRAY Wimbledon 2013

The royal babe Prince George.we love him x
This is Owner's logo for her good life coaching.  very proud. x

Beloved Baba.  now in the next room. hankies away. x

The miracle buddleia starts to grow. x

A piece of the glorious summer.

Me cuddling up to the new luxury carpet.

in a box.

with some toys.

first up birfdy

one of my mousey collection

Owner's Big Big birfdy

Baba's miracle Buddleia!!

Owner's tomato plant!

our little bear in need!

Beloved Demi goes to the next room. x

A beauty sunset out back in November

Ruggles. x

That's it for now folks! x
I do hope you like our line up of just a few of the events this year for us and for you wherever you are in the Wold.  Even though it is rainy and miserable outside I continue to spur Owner on you know.
Last para.  Now I know you are all busy on your resolutions like me and Owner and we will be talking of this tomorrow.  I am very proud of mine and can't speak for Owner.  We will be having a short break from the proceedings over the weekend but will leave you with a few things to look at while we are gone.  Owner is realising a dream and I am going to have a few holding the fort with my beloved aunty (Owner's daughter).  Now due to rotten weather Owner is having to stay in , eat and watch loads of dvds and stuff.  Now who does that remind me of??  tonight we are lucky to have corrie x 1 and some of Enders.  ~there are new people in the vic and the jury is still out in this house.  In corrie good Hayley is slowly moving out of this life (pretend) and all are crying.  There is a horror thing on good Beeb two at 9pm so if Owner awake and feeling brave enough we will be glued.  Do go steady out there in the World wherever you are folks.  big Love Wonka x

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Steady Sundee

Wonka here.  After a lot of toss turn turn toss in the night (Owner report.  I slept like a baby) which she puts down to simple straightforward overeating, did she sleep in.  Is it time to get up she said.  It is now I said back and did enjoy a small pounce on the foot before I sped downstairs to inspect my dishes.  Would you believe it a little elf must have been at my saucers!  No wonder I'm starving I said to Owner.  NO YOU ARE NOT she goes.

Fresh para.  now all throughout the season of goodwill (well it wants to be.  we are trying hard at it) does Owner enjoy a small sherry plus lemonade.  of course I have spoken up on behalf of the more sober of us out there, to GO STEADY Owner.  Usually it is just one inch of good sherry fairly well drowned in lemonade plus a pink elephant.  What is that? you say.  photoshoot to follow:
There he is!  one of five you know that Owner keeps in the ice tray and had them for most of her life alright maybe 20 years then.  We love them.
Final para.  Now as you know we are fighting hard in this house to do nothing but it is near on impossible when the telly throws up guns of navarone and ernie and elfie or whatever it was.  How can I make Owner sit down to that I ask you?  we did manage yesterdee with our beloved Michael Jackson who is now in the next room and 'This is IT'.  We loved it and Owner wants MJ music playing at her funeral.  I said for some it will be theirs Owner.  She said shut up and get on with it.  Well we are planning a breaking bad fest tonight that may continue into tomorrow.    as long as I can get Owner to sit still we should be fine.  Ruggles has not been in yet for teatime, and yesterdee did turn his nose up at best ham so Owner got him best and real chick (sorry chick!).  he is kind and loving when fed but gave out a small growl once at the poor back door to get back out.  Owner nearly jumped a mile she said.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are.  It is nearly the end of this year and tomorrow and the next we plan a small garnering up of events and a looking forward.  Big Love Wonka x    

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Festive Satdee

Wonka here.  Owner said looks like a beauty day out there and so it was.  blustery wind has blustered itself out somewhere else and blue sky and sunny.  did you dream Owner I said.  All night long she goes.  Is that a song I said.  YES she goes, by Lionel Ritchie.  We love him.

Fresh para and a photoshoot of a pressie from daughter to Owner but which as you will note, appertains (ooer) to MOI.

With just a quick flick through Owner already astounded at my intelligence.  things like: does your cat have a routine.  answer? YES.  At bedtime, like Owner I have a sound ritual that will end up with me under the bed.  Not hiding you understand but to snuggle on down.  This does not alter.  Like Owner (who is not listening so it alright to mention this) I do not like change.  No.  I like everything to follow a nice steady pattern.  But, I am adaptable and this is where me and Owner differ (she out of the room) as I can be flexible and say oh has that changed? oh that's alright then I can cope with that.  Now Owner would say OH NO.  But as you know I am here to calm and soothe and make Owner's life bearable.

Final para.  yes I am being strict.  It was a good festive day as daughter and grandson duly (like it like it) arrived were ferried here, fed, watered, played with (presents swapping) and then ferried back. All happy and bright and I had extra attention like what a nice big cat I am. hmmm.  All the merriment has left Owner worn out and needing a lie down but there's no time for that!  Ruggles popped earlydoors and turned nose up at chopped up real ham so had pretend whiskas best pouch instead.  I've told Owner to go easy on the sherry but seeing as I whispered it she may not have heard.  Tonight we wonder what to watch as no soaps and no dancing and no singing.  There is a film on with 2 stars which might turn out to be good.  it might not though.  Now as a back up plan, one of daughter's presents was the final final season of breaking bad and Owner severely tempted to put the world (or Wold) to one side and watch the whole lot straight off.  I'll keep you posted on that one.  Until then, go steady wherever you are in the world.  Big Love Wonka x

Friday, 27 December 2013

Fraught Fridee

Wonka here.  Up we got and Owner said had been worried about the big gusts of wind in the night blowing against the window.  did it come in I said.  NO said Owner, but she was so worried she got up to check.  it did not get in.  Those poor people without power, well we heard on the good radio news that one of them tackled the prime minister (that public schoolboy one.  yes I know they are all the same as Owner did say none of them went to a secondary school.  I said is that what is called the class system Owner? YES she goes) - yes one of tackled the present PM and said what about my power then?  and he said he would have a word with the council.  We do hope it is sorted out.  What a funny Christmas time it has been.  TELL ME ABOUT IT, said Owner.

Now we have no more advents as you know and we will find a nice photoshoot to cheer us all up.

Thought you might like this cuddly sketch of me courtesy of Owner.  it is still a bit Christmassy to keep us going.  yes that's the stocking and the bauble still.  We love it.

Fresh para now.  Why Fraught Fridee you say?  Owner set off in that gusty windy weather for an outing with a lot of old people including aged parent.  I did wish her lots of luck even though her hair not quite as she wanted and had to change her outfit twice.  BE STRONG! I shouted through the good bay window.  Now of course I had a good sleep this aft and did not notice that freezing rain made all the worse in the strong gusty wind until I saw Owner approaching laden down with bags and cat litter and hair that looked like she had been through a hedge backwards.   When Owner does not speak this is a giant clue folks as to the state of play, and I immediately played it safe and showed off my tummy.  for a tickle.  to take Owner's mind off events.  and it worked!!  even though she was wet through and had to park in a street miles away leaving the car with no name there, even though the meal out was like the last supper without the divine host, and had to endure a game of bingo when all wanted to get back to their lair stroke home, yes it worked.  Are you alright Owner I said.  I AM NOW she goes.

last para.  Owner has calmed right down and watching Downton Abbey as missed it on Christmas Day, and peeling lost of veg ready for tomorrow.  What then you wonder.  Good daughter and grandson arrive for their Christmas Day which was postponed til now.  They have stockings and everything!  Now tonight we are back to normal and watching lots of soaps as many as possible with Enders there are changes and people still leaving and Corrie some people are leaving in a dying sort of way.  We love it.  Now do go steady out there wherever you are in the Wold.  Big love Wonka x

Thursday, 26 December 2013

*****Boxin Day thursdee!*****

Wonka here.  yet another good sleep in and up very late.  Nice outside and as some would say the lull before the next storm they all predicting.   Some poor people have been without power I said to Owner.  I KNOW she said.  Now today we have planned to do nothing.  for me, well let's just say I have a little practise under my fur, but for Owner, doing nothing is never on the agenda.

Fresh para.  This doing nothing thing is helped by there being something on the telly.  And this is where we could have been stumped.  I know it is Boxing Day.  So what did Owner do?  First up she does a washing.  Then she says, I don't like my hair (Thought about poppin under the bed but then....) and then luckily daughter did text and remind Owner that her fave film on good channel 5.  What is that you say.  High Society.  And here is a small photoshoot for you folks who may not ever have seen this wonderful film:

Hope you like them!  So it is Grace Kelly with Frank Sinatra and also Bing Crosby and yes that is Celeste Holm and then folks it is Louis Armstrong the one and only.  and that song, well did you evahhhhhh........................~We love it.
Final smallish para.  ruggles not called yet for his teatime and no sign of tinkers or that new one dinky.  Owner has struggled with the doing nothing and the TV has not helped.  We had massive square eyes all last night and could not keep up with it all.  Tonight we will not have this trouble.  NO.  Instead Owner may be forced into doing a list (oh no) looking at hair (please no) watching something dreadful that would not normally watch (out of all options I pick this one).  Tomorrow Owner may be going out for a festive thingy with aged parent so has to psyche up says.  do you have to go Owner I said.  YES she said.  Now ahead of any further poor weather wherever you are in the Wold folks I say to you do go steady.  Big Love Wonka x 


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

******Christmas Day Wednesdee!!********

Wonka here.  Listen to this, well Owner gets up in the dark and says I'm just going downstairs (to me, I was awake luckily) gets downstairs and sees the clock and it says 7 O' clock.  but I thought it was the middle of the night says Owner.  did you I said?  YES she goes.  What about some breakfast then I said.  COMING UP said Owner.

Now it is the day itself and no more advents needed but instead you will want to see my present from Santa.  here it is:
What is that you say?  it is a sturdy toy that all fits together like a train track only it has cut out bits and a ball that does go back and forth inside.  Can you see the green thing in the big cut out nearest?  that is the good rubber ball.  I have played with it and got my paw in it and all in all I LOVE IT.  Thankyou Santa stroke father Christmas stroke st Nicholas.  but I have been very very good this year.
Fresh probably final para.  Now listen to this as it is a heartwarming story from Owner.  (who needed to hear this herself.  yes).  Happy Christmas I shouted as she finally left the house after changing three times and having to wash hair, rub off make up and put it all back on oh and change earrings.   You look lovely I shouted!  Now on her return and after she had fed me of course as that is first up, did she relate this story. (quoting) while I was with aged sibling having our Christmas lunch she goes, well when we had finished and I was still at the table, well then did this old gentleman come over to the table.  then what I said, as I was nearly dropping back off.  Then she goes, did this nice old man ask after my aged sibling and say how his heart goes out to him as he sees him every day eating on his own. (this is true this).  Then what I said?  Well said Owner I found out his name, which is Peter and I did introduce him to my aged sibling.  And then what I said?  it turns out that Peter is also on his own in the extra care home, and his wife is dead and so is his son (called the same name as aged sibling) and his daughter is disabled and far away.  And this Peter said, his Dad always used to say 'keep smiling'.  Well I said to Owner, how heartwarming is that?  Owner said it put everything into perspective (nice word) and now aged sibling has a new friend.  The visit to aged parent wasn't quite so heartwarming but they all had a builders cup of tea and some Christmas cake and it all went better after that.
Real final para.  Last night we watched a stackload of TV and some of it was good like last tango with all in bed with someone, and Enders with Janine doing a good imitation of a pantomime witch.  We loved it.  Owner did catch a tiny bit of the Queen's speech as aged parent had that on and once home got the radio times out with all pink highlighter in it.   Rugtug has been and munched on turkey and 2 more plates of best whiskas pouches before realising he was a prisoner and had to be set free. We love him.  merry Christmas rug.  tonight we will be even more square eyed with dancing, midwifing and the soaps of course plus - and I have begged Owner to be brave, a ghost story on good BBC 2.  OOOER.  Now please go steady on this day wherever you are in the Wold.  Big love Wonka x

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Eve Tuesdee

Wonka here.  The good day before Christmas is here at last and we are lucky.  Why you say?  because the sun came out and that big wind dropped.  More than this, me and Owner are happy bunnies.  Can you say that you say.  YES.

Without any more ado or fresh para talk here is our special Christmas Eve Advent Day 24:
Well here I am on my very first Christmas advent card!  and like the one before it, my bauble and stocking close by.  And the message is for each and everyone of you out there in the Wold.  We love it.
Possibly final para.  Owner has rushed off to work and back again.  I said was it worth you going Owner?  YES IT WAS she goes.  And before you ask, she has stocked up on more tins of cat food in case we run out, over the two days when some of the shops will be closed.  Did she forget anything?  YES.  In the full on effort to remember everything Owner forgot the good dustbin.  It's alright Owner I said, there's plenty of room in there for more rubbish.  Ruggles will have chopped chicken for teatime when he stops off on the good doorstep and looks plaintively up at the glass in the poor back door.  If Owner looks out there once she looks out a million times.  SIT DOWN owner I implore (Oooh a new word).  anyhow, we are both glued to our favourite, that is 'it's a wonderful life' with Jimmy Stewart.  it has good lines in it like (and I quote folks) Youth is wasted on the young or did Oscar Wilde say that.  Also it has Uncle Billy and his pet jackdaw who was a real pet.  Now tonight we will have a sherry and a mince pie ready for Father Christmas who has to drop off my present.  Owner has to have a sherry when she makes the mince pies so I have told her to go steady.  We may watch Enders as it will be even more over the top and then the nice hospital drama where people have life saving operations in seconds.  That baby could yet make an appearance.  Now I always say this and today I say it specially.  Go steady (like Owner) wherever you are in the World. Big Love Wonka x

Monday, 23 December 2013

Nearly Christmas Mundee!

Wonka here.  Up at the crack of, and inspected the weather as soon as.  As predicted grey and rainy clouds at the ready.  Owner said fitful night and could not remember dreams.  Said hoped hair would go right and I said SO DO I!  got out on time for final full day at good private company.

Fresh para and here is our Advent Day 23 folks out there!  Me and Owner have so enjoyed doing this advent and we are sad as it is one before last one.
Here I am, yes it's me again but thought you would like a little Christmas sketch of me prior to the Christmas card one saved for tomorrow.  I am near to a little Christmas stocking that used to belong to Gollie (who is in the sanctuary in the sky with St Francis and where Baba is too.  hankies away!) but he never played with it and I did.  next to that is a Christmas bauble as I do love to bat them about.

Fresh possibly final para.  Now I really missed Owner today in between napping and snacking, I thought I wish Owner would hurry up and come home as I am starving.  And there she was!! a little bit windswept and rainsodden but home!!  Is it horrid out there I said?  IS IT! goes Owner.  Reports that according to all the weather news she has kept up with all day whilst working hard, that these nasty winds and rain are set to continue.  In Canada she says they are under snow and icy conditions.  OH I said.  I do take an interest you know, whilst Owner is chopping up my real chick for my tea.  Then she does go out to the delux shed and had a lovely surprise as there was Ruggles nestled on the luxury car seat in the million warm blankets there are on it.  So then he had real chick for his tea.  Now tonight Owner says very worn what with working all day and it being near to Christmas but we will watch corrie X 2 and Enders x 1.  the storylines are wracking up for the big Day itself when all hell will break loose (Enders) and Hayley may slip off the shackles of this world and leave Roy behind in it (Pretend, Corrie.)  We love it.  Now go extra steady if you are celebrating and extra steady if you're not, wherever you are in the world (or Wold) and also, in case anyone of you noticed I said longest day and Owner says I should have put shortest day.  On the other hand she goes, it did feel like the longest day (satdee).   I sit corrected!  Big Love Wonka x

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Shoppin Sundee

Wonka here.  did we sleep in nicely this morning because it was so snug.  Dreams you ask?  no crocs but Owner reports climbing.  I said was it one of those impossible climbs where you cannot reach up to the next step or you are in a tiny place and cannot barely move or you are going to fall?  NO said Owner.  Weatherwise it was a beauty morning and no sign of this rough weather they are on about.

Fresh para.  We are on good Advent Day 22.  and for those of you paying attention , yesterdee was the longest day.  and it did feel long.

Thought you would appreciate one of me for a change!!  here I am in one of my fave spots by the sunlamp.  Yes that is a Christmas bauble and just to the left of that is another of Owner's Dad's carvings.  yes.  and it is of a Swan.  Which reminds me of MorrisQuinlan.com and their Scarborough Fair song.  (swans are in it I think.  part of the fairytale said Owner.  Righto I said).

Final para as we are all too busy to read and write.  Yes Owner did go out to the nice supermarket where they are all wheeling stacks of food around the store and replenishing (Love that word I do) shelves.  Did you get everything Owner I said upon her return.  JUST ABOUT she said.  I noted we are topped up on every conceivable (I have outdone myself) pouch biscuit and real chick pieces.  Is it just for the two days the shops are shut I said.  YES she goes.  Now Ruggles popped by earlydoors and had 3 platefuls again before pawing at the good back door to get out.  Owner thinks he has nearly forgotten his ordeal at the good vets.  yes.  Now last night was a frenzy of voting online for our faves to win the dancing and the good news is, THEY WON!  We couldn't love Abi and Ali anymore than we do.  That took up the entire evening and although Owner started the film highly recommended by daughter could not stop yawning.  Tonight you say?  We have watched 'nativity' which is so funny we watch it again and again, and now we are on with Scrooged.  Do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Get on with it Satdee

Wonka here.  Owner reported strange dreams involving crocodiles.  What two I said.  YES she goes.  More on that later, but weatherwise that blustery wind had dropped and dazzling sunshine out there.  Is it seasonal for this time of year you say, and we say not really.

Now without further ado I have consulted Owner on this good Satdee, the last one before Christmas about our Advent Day 21.  And Owner said to pick one of me.  Here it is, your treat:
Yes it really is me folks, on my favourite perch the sideboard gazing out back.  Yes I am smaller and younger I agree.  And yes, that is Chistmas on the line!  My spelling always a trial to Owner.  That was for a Christmas three years ago but we hope you like it.  We love it.
Fresh para and talk of crocodiles.  Owner says it means, underhand bargaining,  OH I said.  but wait a minute because it came true!  The poor windowcleaning firm only tried to claim they had cleaned the windows when they hadn't!!  and Owner adamant she right.  were you right I said?  WAS I she goes.  So just a little dream tip to help you out folks.  Crocodiles means double dealing.  Now alongside this interesting thing did Owner fairly well crack on and get lots of things done like food shopping to make sure I have enough pouches and such, hair dressing appointments (don't you look a picture I said as soon as I saw it.  The hair) and then to cap it all off did she fit in a visit to aged sibling and then to aged parent.  Both passed off without too much stress or crying.  From Owner I mean.  And when she stumbled back home she reported finding a new lever on the steering wheel column that defied all understanding.  Do you mean the car with no name I said.  YES she went, I cannot understand what it is, what it does and how I did not notice it was there for the last three weeks.  And before I tentatively asked Owner if she had perused (OOOh)the handbook did she say she had.  TO NO AVAIL.  Luckily the car drives OK without finding out what the little sticky out thing does.
Real final para.  Now tonight folks, we can settle down and relax (Ruggles missed us out last night but has trotted in for 3 yes 3 dishes of fodder) and watch the final final final of Strictly.  We have loved it for so long how will we manage now.  Owner is in love with Abi and Ali so they must win it.  if not we will still love it.  Daughter has given Owner the heads up about a good film on Film 4 and I said that makes a change.  So it is square eyes all the way tonight folks.  I do hope you are all aright in the world wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

Friday, 20 December 2013

Fridee before Christmas Fridee!

Wonka here.  I have it on good authority (from Owner, Yes) that the weather on Christmas Day will be clear and cold.  Just how we like it.  Today, the moon is waning in the sky and the blustery wind not so blustery.  There are some good twinkly stars up there and we love it.  yes Owner got up and yes got on with it.  Have you got  list Owner I said? NO said Owner.

Fresh para.  On with Owner's Advent for Day 20.

What is that you say?  It is one of the new lights, a penguin to be exact, it is on a string of lights with santas and reindeer and such, and it is dangling off one of Owner's Dad's carvings.  what is the carving you say?  Of a cat.  it is a wooden bookend cat.  What else would it be!  and Owner's dad did lots of carvings down here and may well still be at it in the next room.  If you like there is a pretty gorgeous photoshoot of me next to another of these carvings and we can make it part of the advent.  We love it.

Now probably final para as I am worn out due to sleeping all day.  There is nothing more tiring than that.  And then having to welcome Owner back with packloads of catlitter and food for the one day that is so special.  The cupboards are full of tins of this and tins of that and stuff Owner may never eat.  Yes there is plenty for me and Ruggles.  And Tinkers.  And anyone else who is starving out there.   I said to Owner did you have a nice day at your temporary job in the private sector?  YES I LOVE IT she said.  No sign of stress folks at all.  Owner did report being short tempered in the car with no name this morning and says it was because the driver in front was going very slowly and then stopped in a stupid place.  OH I said.

Real final para.  If  we have time folks tonight in between fresh lists (Owner wrote it out at work) and eating, we will watch good Corrie and funny Enders.  In Corrie rotten David is back in with his supportive but dysfunctional (OOOOOH) family and temptress Tina is after someone's else's bloke.  Enders is very mixed up and people are still leaving.  ~We are a bit excited about Christmas and we hope you are too.  It is the weekend Folks so do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Thrifty Thusdee

Wonka here.  Now we had horrid high wind and rain smashing against the window pane!(poet and I know it!!) but during the night folks it calmed down and this morning Owner reported huge moon dazzling bright in the morning sky along with beauty clear starry sky.  We love the morning sky specially when the big moon is still in the sky along with the rising sun  ooooh.  Have you shut the fridge this time Owner I said before she flung out.  YES she said.

Now Owner has told me I can pick the Advent for today which is Day 19 folks!!
Here it is folks, it is one of Owner's sketches about a story called 'Joe's Christmas'.  And we are hoping that Owner tells this story like the others on Smashwords.com    It is about a Mum and her son Joe and how they have the Christmas they wished for.  it is an old fashioned story because that is what we are.  We love it.
Fresh and final para.  yes it is a thrifty day and this is down to Owner not having time to go anywhere near the shops.  9 to fivers cannot spend their munny!  and this means we cannot starve! not this side of Christmas folks.  Owner reports another good day at the office where she is busy temping and learning lots of new things.  Have you remembered who everyone is Owner I said.  YES she goes, and I am trying hard to get the important people's names right.  Do you mean everyone then Owner?  YES because all are equal!  the only worry on the list is whether I have enough food and so far I am cat ered for (my little joke!)   ruggles has been in despite the rain out there and as Owner was returning from stocking up in the delux shed did she spot Tinkers.  and for once Tinkers stayed at the gate til Owner back indoors and then did she or he speed back to the shed.  It is a filthy night out there said Owner and how she parked the car in such a small space with cars at back and front with rain and dark well only the god of parking knows.  Now tonight there is nothing on nothing.  daughter gave Owner the heads up on this earlier but Owner found something and it is 'educatin Yorkshire' which we were glued to this year.  Some teens giving their teachers a hellish time and getting lots of love and help back.  We love it.  not to forget Enders and the continuing twisted plots and murderous doings.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold stroke World wherever you are.  Big love Wonka x

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Workin Wednesdee

Wonka here.  gone gloomygogs and blustery out there but Owner up at first alarm all. Said tossed and turned a tad in the night due to new temping job.  I can't say I noticed as I was snug and in blissful dreamy land.  Are you ready to learn a new job Owner I said?  AM I! she said.

Now as I declared to you only yesterday but seems a lifetime ago there is no more #Wonka's Advent but there is Owner's advent which is nearly as exciting alright it is just as:
Here is our very own St Nicholas stroke Santa stroke Father Christmas.  He is a tealight and does get a mention in the Wonka Stories at www.Smashwords.com so he is as famous as that folks.  We love his gentle light and he seems to tell a story just by being there.  Even more famous is the trunk he lives on but that is another story.  We love it.  so Day 18 folks!
Fresh para and really should be last and final.  Why you say?  because Owner is demanding my attention after a hard day at the private company grindstone.  Says went well and wonders why hasn't been working in the private sector all her life as it beats the public sector hands down.  And we mustn't mention the charity one.  Did you mean us animals Owner I said (charity).  NO she said.   Now all day long I have had to suffer a luke warm radiator as Owner adjusted the dial before she flew out and what's more, an open fridge door.  WHAT! said Owner when she spied it hanging open.  But on the good side, I had not raided it!!  A poor giant yoghurt pot had been foolish enough to prop the door open because it did not fit on the shelf.  The chicken you say?  safe in the fridge as I was too cold to notice it.  Thankfully the heating is now at tropical setting and I am full up on 'as good as it looks.'  ruggles did pop by last night and may do so tonight.  His delux car seat is lovely and warm and there is food in the delux shed.  Now tonight we may crush in an episode of Corrie before the pit beckons.  Temptress Tina is moving in on recovered alcoholic and newly wed Peter.  It all spells Trubble!!!  We love it.  Now I noticed that last night I wished you all to go steady out there in the wold as opposed to the world.  Well whichever is safest I say.  big love wonka x 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Full on Tuesdee

Wonka here.  We got up in a very positive mood and I was hopeful for the rest of the day.  And, it was a proper cold but decent day too.   What I really hoped for folks was for Owner to focus on the goods rather than the bads..Has that happened I said to Owner.  SORT OF she said.

Fresh para to centre on a good.  Owner has work for the rest of the week and a bit of next!  This is an answer to our prayers and means we cannot starve.   This is why it was a full on day with Owner rushing round like a whirling dervish (I don't think they went shopping just exalted dancing) doing a million things and getting on many nerves.  As a suitable break from this fullonish, here follows the last in the series of Wonka's Advent Day 17.  Now don't be afeared folks as there are more advents but they will be proper photoshoots.  you will like them just as much,

Isn't this the grand finale you wanted!! A Ted with a star. He is a real teddy too, we have him somewhere on the mantelpiece.  We love him.

Final para possibly.  So back to the full on day which continued with visits to aged parent and sibling.  Were they fraught Owner I said.  YES she said.  Did you fall out with anyone Owner I said.  NO she said, I managed not to.  And this folks is the Christmas miracle it really is.  When she finally got home and parked up in the car with no name and stumbled in with packloads of food for me, I needed to be fed immediately.  And I was.  The Owner continued on the full on thing with a phone call from the dentist and I cannot call them a good dentist as it is the one which keeps cancelling appointments and is trying what is left of Owner's patience.  She is rebooked and did not want to be.  Did you fall out with them Owner I said.  NEARLY she said.  We all know that dentists have us over a barrel and we cannot fall out with them until the treatment is over.  Which in Owner's case is never.

Real final para.  Ruggles has been yesterdee and it is dustbin day so he will be late for his teatime.  Dinky, the new one has not been sighted and neither has Tinkers but I was asleep mostly so could have missed them.  I have spent a lot of the day cuddling up to my catnip fish I love it so much.  And wait for this, when Owner went funny after the phone call with the poor dentist she goes upstairs and I did follow and when she came back downstairs and noticed I was missing, she goes are you upstairs Wonka, and I did one of my best races down the stairs which made her laugh.  We love it.  Now tonight we must go steady and prepare for the new temporary work tomorrow which Owner will report on.  We will watch Enders and the new storyline building up is around evil Janine and sort of good David who has been chucked out by his ex wife Carol.  Alfie and Cat still rule the Queen Vic which is up for sale by rotter Phil.  Then, there is the hospital thing with new people in it and probably a pre Christmas babe.  We do love it.  Now go steady out there in the wold wherever you are folks.  Big Love Wonka x

Monday, 16 December 2013

Money Mundee

Wonka here.  so snug and warm this morning Owner turned the alarm off.  Just to ensure this didn't mean slumbering on and slumbering on I did give Owner a minute nibble (not nip) on her hand when she was patting me round the head.  I said to Owner it is time to get up!  IS IT she said.  told of a wisp of a dream where she is telling someone where to get off and walking upstairs.  Said she knew them going on twenty years ago.  Was it a bad dream I said.  NO said Owner.

Now you have noticed the title of today's diary and it is continuing into the evening.  Every time Owner has turned round has it cost her some money.  Is anyone visiting our online shop and buying anything I said to Owner because otherwise we may starve (it is at www.Etsy.com and Wonkaandmousey gifts).  Owner has been paying everyone even donating to charity I said doesn't that begin at home.  anyhow here is Wonka's Advent Day 16:

And here he is our Mr Snowman (doesn't he sing about dreams?) but no snow in sight or forecast that we know of.  And we do love a white Christmas.

Back to final para.  so money money money should be our new theme tune.  Everywhere you look it is costly said Owner.  I knew this would happen as Owner been to good dentist in York and you can hear the cash register from here!  only joking!  on her return did Owner pop to the nice supermarket (not the one where she is followed and needs a ball of string to find the milk) and tried to do a calm shop but says was blasted with Slade's 'well here it is Merry Christmaaaaasss' which she never did like.  This put her off shopping said.  Not a bad thing I said back.  Now something nice happened to me, as Owner finally found where she had hidden the catnip and filled my little blue fish with it.  I love it.  It sends me a bit sparky.  And then, the next best thing with no money involved did we spy that new cat on the block again, this time sat as nice as you like by our good garden gate.  he is black and white and sat there long enough for me to have a good look.  I like him.  or her.  Owner thinks is like the cat in Rupert Bear but cannot as yet recall his name.  Is it Dinky I said.

The real last para.  Ruggles you say?  Has trotted in for dish of chicken and pretend chicken and wanted to trot back out.  he is very well and so is his tiny stump of a tail.  Now last night did we glue ourselves to the results.  On the dancing our faves shot straight through to the final plus some that should have shot straight out (according to some folks).  Now back on with the singing did the x prison officer win the X Factor!  She and good Mrs O as Sharon is now called cuddled up and cried over it.   We love it.  So all that wore us out rather.  Tonight we will soldier on with the soaps and all the twisted love and back stabbing brothers and sisters.   There may be some surprises in store as Christmas is nearly here.    Owner has posted some cards and when stops paying out money may get festive.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big love wonka x

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Scarey Sundee

Wonka here.  First off is it a nice day out there.  blue sky gone mild, wind dropped and all in all pleasant.  Owner up late, still going on about weekend and all alright etc.  Luckily I had stocked up before I went to bed on one of my troughs of biscuits aka complete meals.  this doesn't mean I don't want breakfast though Owner!  Are you looking forward to some visitors I said to Owner.  VERY MUCH, she said.  it is my uncle and aunty aka (I like this expression) daughter and grandson.

Fresh para.  and you say what is this scarey Sundee?  Believe me if Owner sees something bordering on going wrong or even worse it is wrong, broken down in a state of change, does full on anxiety kick in.  and it was on this very blog a strange message comes up about browsers.  WHAT DOES IT MEAN, said Owner.  and I called back from under the bed.  I don't know Owner, just follow the instructions.. thought I heard her say 'as clear as mud' but don't quote me on it.  She is not crying.  yet.  Now in case we are in deep trouble and browsers and things gang up to stop my blog here is Wonka's best Advent Day 15:
And it better had publish this as it's my fave.  Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree Oh how I love thee Christmas Tree.  some of us first heard this on the Swiss Family Robinson the first time round said Owner.  We love it.
Final para.  Now the visiting went off a treat and to plan.  This is wonderful when it happens and everyone is happy.  Even the lunch went down.  Now it turns out that Owner is behind with the cards.  She is receiving them this is not a problem she simply isn't writing or posting any.  When were you going to do this Owner I said?  SOON she said.  And she added she is fed up with bent cards through the letter box.  Oh, I said.  Now last night we had an exciting night on with semis, and finals and people getting voted off.  Our fave Luke was voted off.  he looked very happy and did not cry.  this is what the winners do said Owner,  Cry.  We have voted for our faves on with the dancing and had a long and intellectual talk to daughter on it.  We have persuaded her that Abi and Ali are world class and a joy to watch.  We love them.  tonight there is more wracking up of emotions (blimey) and Owner will stand by her faves, willing them on.  Me?  thanks for asking.  Well I managed to get Owner to supply me with a saucer of real chicken(love you chicken!) and I did have some extra big cuddles from daughter and grandson.  Ruggles flicked in and flicked out last nights and his little stump is a beaut says Owner.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Me and Owner are praying to the Gods of Computers and Browsers and such to publish this poor blog.  Thankyou.  Big Love Wonka x

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Santa Satdee

Wonka here.  Slept in but this is fine as it is a weekend and no one needs to rush said Owner.   What about if I am starving for my breakfast I said as I shot down those stairs but Owner could not hear me.  Now today's weather report it is gloomy and worse still has a big wind got up.  We are not keen on windy conditions.  yes there is a joke there but I am not going to make it.  Are you going to sit down Owner I said and read the paper.  YES she said.

Fresh para.  So this was a nice slow start to the day and before I go any further on here is Wonka's advent Day 14:
Now I am guessing folks that if Owner had not put in bold writing what this is you would have said WHAT IS THAT?  now in case you cannot read what Owner has scribbled (Sorry Owner) it is sposed to be nice gifts from Santa.  We love Santa.
Fresh para I won't say the last, now talking of Santa Owner reports that whilst she was out doing a brief shop (since when did Owner ever do a brief shop I ask you) did she see five Santas crossing the road.  Where I said were they going?  to their Santa hide out said Owner.  And then did she see another Santa asking for money.   After that she does not report seeing any further Santas.
Possibly Final para.  Safe home after a double whammy visit to aged sibling and aged parent.  Whilst at aged siblings Owner says there was a photo of them both at the Christmas meal they went to last weekend.  was it any good I said.  NO said Owner.  Aged Sibling looked ten years younger and seems to have passed them over to Owner.  not that bad surely I said.  Owner said she will not be getting any further copies.  I quickly changed the subject folks to ask for more helpings of best 'good as it looks' (I've gone back to liking it).  Somehow I managed 5 saucers of this (small).  Ruggles you say?  not sighted as yet but all in place in the delux shed.  Now last night we did manage 3 x soaps in a row and come out the other side.  Dastardly David has returned homish despite nice concussed and angry Nick's bruvverly wishes.  tonight we are a bit excited as it is a results fest coming up.  We have semi results with the dancing and our best faves Abi and Ali and then the temperature goes through the roof folks as we tune in to beloved Dermot shoring up the Hex Faktor!! It dunt get more exciting I can tell you, not in this house.  Now go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

Friday, 13 December 2013

Faithful Fridee

Wonka here.  small alert on the go and it is a Ruggles alert.  Owner did not see him for his teatime or supper last night and consequently (get me) the gear change did not happen and funny night.   first thing Owner thought of on waking up was IS HE THERE.  Not, is Wonka starving for his breakfast, or is he alright, or GO STEADY on those stairs.  No.  I said to Owner is Ruggles there.  NO she said.

new para to set us right.  now the usual weather report from me and like it said on the good Radio it has gone mild plus gloomygogs plus a smallish amount of rain.  Not enough to bring the snails out though and we do like them.  Now here we are on Day 13 of Wonka's Advent!
Now here he is one of our Christmas decorations like Owner has put in big writing (do I look simple! NO! that was Baba's job.  sorry Baba in St Francis' Sanctuary in the sky!  Hankies away now).  this decoration does dangle off things and for the life of me I cannot remember where it is now dangling.  Somewhere.  We love it.
Final para possibly.  yes, so Owner in the doldrums.  I said to Owner ARE YOU IN THE DOLDRUMS?  Yes, she said.  The best thing to do when this happens is go out.  Then you must spend some money and most important, can I say vital, is to spend it on something you do not need.  Now Owner did all of these things and came back a notch brighter.  New not needed teashirt looks beautiful on you I said.  Also Owner reported buying daughter a fab pressie and I quote.  Me?  thanks for asking, I nestled up fairly close to the hottest radiator and dreamt nice seagull dreams.  I've discovered a liking for the exact same cat food that Ruggles likes too.  And Owner has got enough of that one in to feed the local cat rescue so that's lucky.  Now back to our all important Ruggles alert.  Whilst looking for him, Owner has seen a new cat dart across the road and thinks it is black and white but hard to tell in the dark she said.  Tinkers then sped over and went straight into our delux shed and ate all the food that was in there.  Owner replenished (like it like it) and did Tinkers go straight back in and eat that as well.  I ask you!  Ruggles did he then turn up and Owner treated him like a prodigal cat.  He gone for roughly a day.  We love him.
Real final para.  now last night to distract Owner we did watch Enders and that nice black lad who gave his Dad a kidney (not for his tea a real one) is being angry with everyone and has fallen in love with someone who doesn't love him back.  So what is new you ask?  Cat went to prison to visit mixed up Alice who didn't kill Michael but all think she did.  Only rotten nasty Janine knows the truth.  We love it.  In masterchef Owner very upset as the one she not keen to win, won.  End of.  tonight we will watch Corrie and Enders and be thankful for small storylines.  Now do go steady out in the world wherever you are as we are now at the weekend.  big Love Wonka x

Thursday, 12 December 2013

through it thursdee

Wonka here.  never a good sign if you are tired when you wake up I always say. Yes I am talking about Owner who wanted to stay put.   Struggled to remember what day we are on but perfect recollection of dream.  What happened I said.  Well said Owner, I was with an old friend who I don't talk to anymore.  OH I said.  ~there was a lot more detail including old Friend's family and exes and being in the dark.  Was it a very intense dream I said.  YES said Owner.

Fresh para.  It turned into a very thorough sort of day with all things going to plan one after the other including me being thoroughly fed.  I am now faced with a myriad (love that word love it) of biscuits as Owner trying out a new one.  It is a COMPLETE meal.  Well how am I supposed to know that when there are other meals available to me?  to continue being thorough here is Wonka's Advent Day 12. 

It is the Christmas Star folks and I like to think it is an image of that very first glimpse the three wise men had when they set off on their wonderful journey.  How could they have known how it would end up.  We love it.

Fresh para.  Now Owner did go off to toil away this afternoon and came home funny.  I said are you in a funny mood Owner?  NO she said.   I am crushed up against a radiator for warmth and keeping a low profile.  Seriously folks, Owner may be a little stressed due to being amongst stressful people.  She did tell me she didn't think she was assertive enough when surrounded by a swarm of year 10s.  And then equally so when surrounded by a headteacher.  Not to worry Owner I said, you have tried hard and done your best and at least we won't starve.   On a more upbeat note, we are receiving Christmas cards and Owner reports having bought three.  Just a little reminder that we do have a shop now called (naturally) Wonka and Mousey gifts and you can find us on www.Etsy.com

Now probably Final Para.  it is getting Christmassy round here and our neighbours are all bathed in a glorious window of lights.  it is dazzling Owner says.  We have a modest display of penguins and snowmen and father Christmas lights.  Over the way there is a 'Please Stop here Santa' sign.  We love it.  Now if Owner can somehow get a gear change from reverse to say third or fourth (we'll be lucky) we shall watch Enders, and catch up somehow with a confusing array of new ones taking on old ones and some acting here and there, and then move on to Mastachef if on.  Last night we watched the three finalist do their utmost with tiny miniscule cubes of food and drizzle and foam stuff.  All the swarms (new word.  like it a lot) of chefs munching it and judging it seemed happy.  Even that funny one called Marcus. Owner doesn't like him and won't say why.  Ruggles you say?  how is Rug?  He is alright darting in for teatime and supper and fairly well going straight out again with his new tiny furry stump.  We love him.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Winning Wednesdee

Wonka here.  Managed to get up at first trill of alarm, and not even time to pounce on feet or bite them!  ~~Were we downstairs in a trice and Owner was like a whirling dervish even without a cup of tea (forgot milk yesterdee whilst out buying up half the shops).  I said are you ready for the day Owner and she said YES.

Fresh para and straight onto Wonka's advent which is Day 11.  We are speeding along.
Here we are, it's the Christmas angel and Owner has again made sure you know it!  We love angels and like Abba the immortal wonderful Abba, we believe in them too,
Fresh and maybe final para as Owner in a rush to watch something.  I said slow down Owner!  Now I have had a very nice relaxing day only becoming slightly anxious about my teatime when no sign of Owner and dark outside.  yes, I know Owner must slave away at every given opportunity so we don't starve but I was very glad when I spied her getting out of the new secret name car and returning home.  Someone, and we don't know who but Owner said (and I quote) 'they will get theirs' (bad grammar I know but this is down to Owner not me) has scuffed the back of the car and left a dint in it.  Owner says it was not her, it was someone trying to squash their car in behind hers in a street that is a parking nightmare.  yes.  In keeping with the threes, the second scuff appeared on the heel of the new boots.  Out of the two scuffs the boots are in top place for anxiety issues with the car a close second.  I fear a third scuff and will keep you posted.
This is the final para.  Now due to Owner being, wait for it, time poor (I promise never to say that again) we may not get to catch up with beloved masterchef.  Tom chef was told to leave the other night and our money is now on Scott or Adam if he can start thinking on the spot.  there is no room, said Owner, for not being creative in the kitchen.  Right I said, and what about my teatime!  and Rugglesis.  ~We did get fed of course we did.  Tonight we must be watching Corrie if it is on and all the skewed (I think that is a word) relationships going on and Hayley is of course still dying.  Beyond this folks anything could happen.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Topping Tuesdee

Wonka here.   Off we go again!  Another new day, another blue sky day well we live in hope alright I am living in hope and Owner is not too far behind me.   For some reason, Owner still not adjusted to the idea of short days, possibly grey and gloomy days and cold weather conditions.   Are you alright I said.  Yes I keep dreaming of shoes she said, and for some reason I dreamt of someone (a celebrity) that I do not like!  blimey.  Owner thinks the shoes thing could mean steps forward, new directions.  I said well have you and she said NO.

Fresh para.   I have as you know my work cut out trying to motivate and inspire Owner on, but I urged her to treat today like it was, well the day to get on with it!  There is no tomorrow I said!  and down to this, Owner struck out and did a little bit of painting (the wall.  it needed going over after last time.  Owner finally caved in as could not stand looking at it a minute longer) did a tiny bit of writing, about me obviously, and then off she went to do vital food shopping and suchlike.

New Para simply to introduce Day 10 of Wonka's Advent:
Well and here he is Teddy Christmas!  He is a miniature royal blue bear and his arms and legs move and that thing round his neck is a pretend precious jewel.  In royal blue to match.  We love him.  Owner thought you might need help working out what it was.............
final para.  Now owner did return laden yes laden with shopping.  I said are you aware Owner that we have no money and may starve.  I actually said this whilst I was lining up for some fresh chicken (we love you chicken!).  Owner said it is alright, and blow me, she has had a shout for some work tomorrow.  THANKS BE.  Otherwise me and Ruggles won't last out.  Now because it is dustbin day Ruggles was not there for breakfast but we expect him for tea.  he popped in for some supper last night but had to rush off as the noise outside startled him.  It was santa and a load of round table elves coming down the street as if it isn't crowded enough with all our cars.   did watch a tiny bit of the variety performance last night and it seemed to be Mr Barlow and a few others.  We did see nice Torville and Dean..  they are legends says Owner.  Now tonight we must get ready for tomorrow for a start off but catch up with our favourites too.  That nice hospital drama and all those relationships dangling in tango in Halifax.  but what really made our day was the Christmas Radio Times!!  that means Christmas is here.  Do go steady out there folks wherever you are in the world.  big Love Wonka x

Monday, 9 December 2013

Moving on Mundee

Wonka here.  Gone a bit tropical now, so heating is red hot and Owner blissfully warm.  this helped us get up and get on with it.  No sign of Ruggles for his breakfast.  Me?  thanks for asking, I was particularly choosy and would not, indeed REFUSED to eat any of the four pouches on offer.  Are you ill? said Owner.  Because you better not be (quote, and I know it is bad grammar blame Owner.  Of course I'm not ill I daren't be ill).

Fresh para.  Owner set off on a journey to reunite with old and good friend.  Had to treble check everything before set off, and set my nerves on edge rather.  I had settled nicely on my settee and did not need huge kiss on the head.  Now it is Day 9 I think of Wonka's Advent and I forget the other day involved:
It's a rocking horse Christmas Donkey!!  We love donkeys and we follow a donkey sanctuary in Birmingham.  (#Birmingham donkeys)  Guess what, one of the donkeys won hero of the year award too, as he was rescued from a horrid owner.   As usual Owner has printed out what it is in case you did not spot it.
Fresh para.  Now you will be wondering about the heating engineers and the mystery emergency line?  A nice lady rang Owner whilst she was driving so Owner parked up to answer.  WELL DONE Owner I said for parking up.  I never, never look at phones when driving said Owner.  Anyway the nice lady said someone was coming out to look at the boiler but Owner said NO it is fixed.  And wanted reassurance about mystery phone line.  Owner awaits this news.  Upon her return from a successful reunion, Owner reported felt had moved on a bit from the old car her beloved skylark to the new one.  She thinks it has a name but is not telling.  Are you doing a Rumplestiltskin I said?  yes she said.
Fresh and probably final para.  Ruggles has trotted by for his tea and guess what he did last night after having his supper?  Did he roll round in the yard and show off his mammoth tummy.  Onwer has inspected tail stump and says it looks adorable with bits of fluff on it.  I wouldn't go that far.  Now last night did we change our viewing plans.  Owner as per, turned to Channel 5, where there is always a pretty dreadful film on (I think) and what was it?  it was Pearl Harbour folks.  We are now educated as to when this happened, on 7 Dec folks and the rest we know is history.  Well Owner decided to watch all the way through instead of just ten minutes.  Cried every two minutes and loved it.   So catching up with the results was tricky but we made it.  Our faves are all through!  Abi and Ali dancing and Luke with the singing.  Owner got fed up with nice Mr Evans on Radio 2 for poking fun at the singers.  he said they could not sing. Owner says Mr Evans is completely missing the point.  End of.   Tonight we have a royal variety performance and it looks a little like the hex factor reunited from here.  We may touch base with it.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big love Wonka x