Friday, 18 December 2015

Schools break out Fridee!!

Way to Go and Yippee say hundreds and thousands of childer across the land because it is the LAST DAY OF TERM.

There we are!!Day 18 and it is from #Diva and it is her special life plan all created by Good Fairy and stored safely in the carved wooden chest, until............ you might want to read it folks and if you do, it is free, with love from us to you! on X
What you all wonder up, happened to Owner yesterdee and did she fall into a gloom?? IT WAS AVOIDED folks!! HOWCOME you all shout up as one? I made her (list) 1.  have a rest (tricky but I managed it.) 2. clean the entire downstairs whilst I was upstairs. (tick) 3. do some more writing to our new Egyptian Tale (large Tick.X) 4.  Watch a strange but intriguing film (OOOHHH) with David Niven in it. (Fact) called: ' A matter of Life and Death.'
In it, this pilot (Mr Niven) crashes his plane and dies THEN he is saved by heaven who make a mistake BUT he has to argue a case for love in a celestial court..... it is a massive court full of dead people who are more alive than we are..... (Owner says) and personally folks it was EPIC plus it was a proper black and white. ~What Owner calls 'the olden days Wonka. (fact.)x
All in all, I think I saved the day folks and as for today?  An outing for Owner and a visit to aged parent.  This means I can relax and take it steady. Ruggles has disappeared off on one of his mystery tours, and Bertie had made a brief and tantalising (GET ME) appearance outside the cupboard.X
What has really chuffed Owner up is two things. a happy dream to wake up to. (a pink birthday balloon on a bike handle....I KNOW ridden by someone she likes.  I KNOW.x) and second up, First Dog on The Moon ( who Owner admires from afar and we both LOVE his cartoons for the Guardian replied to Owner's tweet to wish us a merry wotsit!!! We are MADE UP!.X
On this thrilling note, we bid you a very happy Fridee especially if you are a childer about to break out! Fur up and Whisker up!! 
Big Love Wonka  X

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