1. Owner's latest complaint to hit the spot.
2. Murraymint to win the French open and beat that unstoppable racquet smashing Djokovic!!
3. Owner to get lots of paid work that she can cope with (I know this is a BIG ASK. plus I know that is an outworn saying and no one PERSONNE says it anymore except me.x)
4. Owner's hair to keep going right despite her constant fooling around with it. (also a big mountain to climb. x)
5. Me, ME bertie bubb and Ruggles all suddenly and out of the blue make friends with each other. (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. end of.X)
here with follows the next exciting Wonka Story which is this one!

There we are!! it is the next Duffel story set by the seaside and with out beloved Futurist Theatre in it. OH and a cat called Sheba waiting to be taken back to her Owner. and without further ado herewith is the good link.
Do enjoy it folks, as much as we did writing it OH and I let Owner pop a few of her little sketches in. I know.X
Last night we clung to Casualtee and Charlie Nursey has taken the rap for big Mac and we have never liked him. Even Connie had to say OUT of here to her best nursey Charlie and she has turned against the new one - they are all giving her the cold shoulder and Owner said it would be helpful at this point Wonka if we could recall the new doctor's name but we cannot for the life of us! We also clung onto INITTOWINIT with good Dale Winton or something strangely like that. We love Dale and will not hear one word against him.X
Today I am hoping for a pleasant relaxed and sun filled time of it with perhaps a little checking on Bubb. Owner has declared she must rush to the shops and I am still waiting for this to happen. there is talk of a big football thingy wotsit a Euro 16 and I can only pray it is not starting tonight and that may spoil Owner's mood setting. Do go on to have a perfect Sundee folks and don't let the thought of Mundee take the edge off!! Big Love Wonka X
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