Monday, 15 April 2019

The Easter Break X

HOWDYFOLKS and so sorry could not find a second or a minute or any TEMPS to write this good bloggy over the weekend. WHY NOT WONKA you all go sulky on me and ask up??  and FOLKS I can only say the weekend got the better of me and was there one minute and gone the next!!

There we are!! this is an old cartoony wotsit of me having a dreamy Sundee folks and by golly it is lovely to just lay in the sunnyshine having a few well earned zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  X

Last week folks saw Owner just about stay upright in her temporary role of supporting those pesky students at Skool.  THERE IS NOTHING Wonka, she droned to me last Thursdee when she scrambled back through the okish front door (very snappy letterbox.X) DE RIEN that is sacred!!  This roughly translated from Owner speak, means that the students use their piercing young wisdom to comment on what Owner is wearing (mostly tick X) what she looks like (mostly tick X) what she sounds like (don't ever go there and I mean EVAH! X) what she knows (ditto to the last one.X) who she lives with ( I did get a big fat mention as did Rug and dat Squeaka.X) what she eats (Vegan means a HUGE TICK X) and then start back at the first one.  It is not for the weak willed or anyone faltering and not confident.  so how Owner gets by each day is beyond me except to say that I do make an all out effort to shout YOU LOOK LOVELY IN THAT FUNNY OUTFIT as she races out of the same okish front door.  Anyway, there are two lovely weeks' off now, including the Easter thing where it is quite normal for Owner to have a breakdown along the lines of cannot cope I hate myself I cannot go back to work etc which swings back round to SEE YOU WONKA come the first real day back at Werk.X

In the pollytically world, all are also on an Easter RECESS as they insist on calling it, where no doubt and especially Tresa Grey are all having their own little breakdowns and makeovers.(AT LEAST THEY CAN AFFORD ALL OF THAT shouted Owner.X) jezzer may be ruminating over his greens up on the allotment as he certainly hasn't been seen saying or doing much else whilst another Labour personage known as David (good first name, it is strong and biblical and happens to me Owner's fave name) Lammy (which incorporates part of the word Lam b and we like that in this house not to eat you understand.X) yes he is speaking out against the likes of Boris and Nige who are class ridden twits and think it is ok to be buffoonish and have a pint in your hand like wot the masses do.  The only problem with that is it is 2019 not 1819.  We love Dave Lammy end of.XX

I haven't mentioned Brexit on toast because thanks to Donald Tusk and 27 eEWe countries we have an extension until Halloween folks to SORT IT.  I suggest bringing in Fil from Enders and Shazzer.  Anyone who can stay in a soap as long as they have AND mix with a diverse and sometimes strange community MUST be able to fathom what to do next. Set fire to it!!! XXXX

Owner has fallen asleep in front of the telly all last week and so all she managed was a couple of corrie a bit of Holbee (daughter is giving it the elbow as says the writers have gone mad.  equally the same about Casualtee - I blame Charley Farley nursey who has been given too many lines and suffered for it.X) we watched Brits got a lorra talent on catch up and I did hear Owner laugh at a comedian of all things, called KOJO.  AND, he got a gold buzzer.  we didn't like the winner of All Together Now and we specially didn't like the winner of The Voice.  BUT Owner managed to catch up with The Victim and pronounced it EXCELLENT drama Wonka!!  There is a new series of Trust Me which starts just after Holbee on Tuesdee if Owner can stay awake - if I tell Squeaka to dab her with a little claw now and then................XX

There we are!! Trust Me series one from aug '17 no less.  We loved that one so have high hopes for the next. XX

Owner was complaining that her life has been taken over by me, Ruggles (who eats on demand) dat Squeaka (the same) and the outsider who is up at the kitchen window every two minutes (little Princess).  Owner has rung the RSPCA to report it (not us) - IF I DON'T she droned to me, then SHE WILL GET PREGNANT again.  so the local RSPCA rang Owner whilst she was at work and couldn't answer and hasn't rung back since.  I know.XX

Now onwards and upwards folks, and if you are working this week up to Good Fridee then be strong!! If not, I hope like Owner you are enjoying your downtime and watching Game of Thrones if you can (we can't) and Line of Duty on catch up (tick) and if not a load of old films.  When we do get to the Easter weekend which is full of strange dramas (just here folks) there should be at least one film worth a look in.  Stay sleek!! be Purry!  Big Love Wonka XX

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