Fresh para to try and upload a small video that Owner took by mistake once up the Eiffel Tower. She did get massive panic attack as frightened of heights but managed to cope. VERY PROUD! Needless to say we are having trouble with uploading a video! We have tried and tried and tried. It will not have our little video. WOE said Owner.
Instead we have other photoshoots:

This miniscule photo is of the Notre Dame cathredal folks and we wish it was bigger but it isn't. The photo we mean.

This last one which for some unknown reason is bigger...WHAT IS HAPPENING said Owner, but we may as well ask the wall (I think Owner did ask the wall) this photo is of a beauty little shop window in this little arcade where Owner went on to spend a fortune. Can we afford it I said. NOT A CHANCE she goes. I'm pretty sure unless a miracle happens we will starve folks. At least we will enjoy going there said Owner. Now Owner did also have a photo of some Paris Blue Sky. Do you want to see it folks? Oh alright then.

Now final final para. Owner is keeping spirits up and has watched the last two episodes of #breakingbad. She is now grieving the loss of the best boxset ever. I must try hard to cheer her on and all I know is on is blessed Enders. Hopefully some of the ones we do not like have really gone this time instead of getting back with the ones who hate them. Max is one such person who has got rid of his girlfriend many a time only to see her come bounding back. We love it. Ruggles is due for his daily chick and treble portions of best whiskas pouches. he may stop for a small cuddle. or not. Me? thanks for asking. Enjoyed a fairly peaceful day despite Owner rocking around the place. She has been calm and controlled and not an anxiety attack in sight. There is talk of snow and such and we do want everyone out there in the world (or Wold) to go steady wherever you are. big Love wonka x
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