Fresh para. Now Owner did whip off out again to do her skipping duty or at least hold one end of a very soggy rope. Did the little people like it I went to Owner? Said they lined up good as gold and only one crying incident. A child not a member of staff although Owner reports that some adults have not quite grown up yet. Hmm. Now for our photshoot Owner has helped me out and also says I missed out saying we have had Sammy dog carving. Well now I've added it.

Now you might like Owner's choice because dear folks she found one of me as a mere kitwit!!and funnily enough I still like to snuggle right there on that giant bed stroke settee. I love it,
Fresh possibly final para. Now Owner says she does not like bad manners or rudeness and cannot abide it. I said (before hiding round the corner) are you starting with yourself Owner on the manners and rudeness thing? Owner reports was a bit rude on the phone yesterdee but has apologised. SORRY is the hardest word folks but it needs saying. So this week we have not starved and who knows what next week will turn up and Owner prays it is not more skipping. Another prayer to the god of employment may help us here with the proviso that it is a stress free job with lots of money. Me? thanks for asking I am not fraught far from it, (lots of fs there) I am relaxing, and looking forward to some more food when Owner gets round to it. The luxury shed must be stocked up shortly (lots of Ss now) and then we might watch a bit of telly. There is good corrie X 2 and Roy may blurt out the truth behind good Hayles passing, and in Enders the far flung plots want far flunging says Owner. We love it. And we hear that one of our Faves, Rafa Nadal has got himself into the final in Aussie land. Our real hero Novak didn't get through and we love him even more. Now do go steady on this Fridee night wherever you are in the Wold. Big Love Wonka x
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