new para. we love new baby news and will keep you posted with a photoshoot it there is one and in the meantime you can have one of Owner's sketches because you haven't had one for ages.

Fresh para. We hear that our Hero Ronnie is doing very well at the Snooker so Owner said let's put the snooker on then and he is nowhere in sight. We know the players have to have breaks for their tea and stuff but come on Ronnie!! As much as I admire mr Selby and mr Higgins I don't love and adore them like Ronnie O. Now last night just as Owner prepared to go on giant worry wart did Ruggles amble into the good back yard, and caused Owner to shout RUGGLES though the glass. He popped in scoffed three platefuls down and pawed at the door to get out. We love him.
Final para. now they are talking in snooker speak which goes now he has caught the red too thick and now he has a half chance and where's the cue ball going!! We do love it and john virgo is our fave, Now despite all our efforts Owner is still languishing here at home and I have to put up with it. I am begging the God of employment to cast an eye in Owner's direction or we shall starve. She reports that there is an offer to register and I said what with another agency Owner? YES she said and that is better than a paw round the chops. I think Owner referring to that terrible battle between her and Ruggles, and it was a draw (the black eye incident folks). Now tonight we will be transfixed (like it like it) by corrie x 2 and Enders x 1. Good Hayley is close to ending it all and provoking a good debate about assisted suicide (Owner said). Some people think it's wrong and some think it's right. OH I said. now in Enders everyone now loves Carole due to her pretend cancer except for us as we love Masood who is down in the dumps and gambling and drinking. We love him. now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are because the weekend is here. Big Love Wonka x
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