There we are!! That was my little old tribute to 2017 with beloved Nicholas Bear (aka the Last Bear). No doubt folks I will see this New year in just the same - snuggled down on my giant nest! Ruggles can shake down on his new best pilleycase and so can Bertie Bubb. Fireworks? We admire them on the telly with the sound down. End of.X
Now folks as for 2017 I did say to Owner, I said. WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS? so after a long pause, scratching round in her hundreds of memories she came up with (list):
1. Wonka's Egyptian Tale being published (folks this was my highlight too.X) in Feburary.
2. Going to New York New York, also in February. I LOVED IT she droned to me. Folks, it was nice and relaxing without Owner fussing around but folks, ME and Rug and Bertrude were very happy when she trots back in full of tales of the Empire State Building, and that Statue, AND that Museum AND Brooklyn Bridge.X
3. finding a fab new Hairdressers called Shadow (yes really X) by complete accident after saying cherio to the longstanding one alright cancelling an appointment and just not making another one. Sorry! X (PS Owner has just had her hair done and she looks like a film star! X)
Is that it Owner? I goes being very patient and hanging on for more. IF I WERE TO SUM UP THIS YEAR she goes back to me - please do I says bearing in mind folks it was very close to our tea time...... IF ANYTHING WASN'T RIGHT - then it had to be put right. And mostly folks it was. There were the ageds. (TICK), there was daughter and grandson (TICK) there was Owner's little surgery thingy wotsit in Hospital (I did feel for those staff.....TICK) all sorts of things were put right and sorted out until you couldn't put a whisker of doubt on any of it!!! But wait! Owner has another good thing to add for 2017:
There we are!! this sketch by my bestest Owner in the known galaxy, was turned into a print and then onto a canvas and guess what folks!! someone wanted to buy it and after a lot of scrabbling around and talking it over with Aged parent, a sum was decided on, and it was sold!! I know ! X
And so, at least one of the resolutions in this houseyhold, aside from doing some more of my stories (the Sea Shanty one, oh and Owner is talking of one called - 'Rugglesis Story' - naturally I wasn't keen straight off BUT being the storyteller I am, AND as long as I am in charge of the story, I might consider it folks..... but the big resolution is for Owner to have more of the Teds printed up and put out for PURRchase!! X
Enough about pesky new thingy wotsits for twentyeighteen folks here is my much awaited pollytical round up. someone with the unlikely name of Lord Adonis has told Tresa Grey what to do with her game of brexit. Of course he said it as he was leaving his job as that is when folks, you actually say what you mean (or so Owner tells me....X). Whether this has made a tiny trickle of difference we must hold out for the good new year to find out folks. CAN IT ALL GET ANY WORSE Wonka you all shout up eager for some hope - well here's one thing folks, if we leave it all to Jezzer we'll be out of the EEEWE before you can all fall back to sleep on your giant nests. As for Vinnie, he must be hanging upside down somewhere and the Greens, well enough said folks. Where oh where is that knight in shining pollytics to sort it!! Where is our Thomas Shelby!! anyhow, it is all a big mess and I haven't even mentioned that shadowy group Momentarily and I'm not going to. End of.X
Over on the telly world Owner has been transfixed by those Pesky blinders and is in love with Tom Shelbee. Like the rest of the nation. My fave is Arfur. I do love him lots. Ruggles is all for young Michael and Bertrude does take to Adah. There are other progs and in Corrie I am proud to announce the return of Carling Black eyebrows. Feelan is lying low somewhere and Eileen his poor lied to wifey is being kind to Billee who has killed Peter's sister (by accident) BUT Peter has not turned to the demon drink. No. And Don Barlow is keeping a keen eye on the street.... in Enders Mad max tried to jump off a roof but instead Abbie and thingy did it for him. I did hear Owner suggest it would have been better if Stacee had been up there...................X
The three of us wish you everything you wish for yourselves in the New Year! X
Now folks, whatever your year has been like and goodness knows it has been the same with me, you must now turn your furry heads to the future. You must preen up, and look the BIZ, you must dust off ALL your old action plans and funny old goals and MAKE THEM HAPPEN. ME, Rugglesis and Bertrude oh alright and Owner all wish you and yours the finest, sleekest, sassiest year evah! Do enjoy your New Year's Eve wotsits and I will see you in twenty eighteen! Big Love Wonka XXXXXX