Fresh antibiotic para. You will recall we are first up with the Doctors and off Owner goes for her appt. Did he give you anything I said the second she fell back through the door thankfully with some more shopping and food for me. He said, and I quote, has it gone to your chest? NO says Owner, it is all in my head. After a thorough examination the Doctor announces that Owner has a slight CHEST INFECTION. So he was right and you were wrong Owner I said from behind the door but she didn't hear me above the slight cough she has now. it is alright though as she is now taking tablets and we all know this will clear up the bubonic plague if it ever gets here. now for the good photoshoot Owner has done a special cartoon to celebrate the arrival of daughter. YES! I have flown it up to the top! so at the top of the cartoon is the good train arriving at the station and at the left is Owner waiting. I am very excited as I do love a visitor.
Fresh and possibly final para. Rug was not there for his breakfast but may turn up later we are not putting out an alert just yet. Mr Beau has turned up and chomped a dish of best whiskas and is asking for more. Is there enough to go round I said to Owner and I did check the shopping but it is alright there is enough to feed the motorway stroke street. Now tonight in honour of daughter we must watch beloved Tom hanks fight off some pirates on the high seas and may squeeze in a corrie x 1. owner has worked out the mystery of why temptress Tina is annoying her so much and I said from upstairs is it because she reminds you of you Owner but no it isn't that, Owner says Tina is very hostile and standoffish just like Carole's cancer story Carol over on Enders. OH I said back. not to mention Stacey. I mustn't mention her as this is a red rag to chest infected Owner right now! So do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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