Fresh para. The sun was shining down when we finally looked out the windows and all Owner could say was WHY WASN'T IT LIKE THIS yesterdee. I ask you? Yes she stumbled out for her hair apt and fell back in with short blonde hair and I immediately said I LOVE IT Owner. She says it is her signature look (Like that word may use it again. have I got one? May post a photoshoot with my signature look.)

Fresh shrill wind para. yes the sun went in folks to be replaced by a nasty and piercing wind. Owner managed to get me some more food amongst feeding the five thousand others alright a slight exaggeration I grant you, and daughter is pressing Owner for photoshoots of Mr Beau and encouraging to LET HIM OR HER STAY. Can you hear a small warning bleep going off folks??? I mean how will I cope not being the only only one. Now tonight if Owner can tear herself away from the lost cats society we will be glued to The voice. Yes. Whilst at the good hairdressers Owner got through four gossipy mags and is well up on who is who now. (Hmm). She does not read these things at any other time but then. Alright I goes, who is good Marlin I mean Marvin with then. Roxette or Rochelle or someone beginning with R Owner says. We all know that Simon Ghoul wants good Cheryl Coal back on the hex factor even I know that. And finally we all know that andy Murraymint isn't getting married just yet. He does not strike me or Owner as someone who likes to hurry things. We have gone off on some strange gossipy track. Back to tonight's viewing and then we will be glued to good casualtee and those new good Bruvverly Doctors wending their way into the hearts and minds of all the nurseys. Now do go steady out there in the wold wherever you are in it. Big Love wonka. x
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