Fresh para. Now Owner sometimes surpasses (like this word)herself and goes a bit creative when there really isn't time for it. Like this morning she goes and I quote I am just going to sort the cartoons out for your blog Wonka. Are you I says? before falling back to sleep. Anyway here is the first in a series (we love a series) of 7:

Final para. Just realised without any prompting from Owner I should have said Be Greatful and now I have. today was all about getting over yesterdee and the day before that and I am pleased to report that Owner has been fairly calm, not too rude except from in the car with no name and in a big queue of traffic. Did you have to do that funny manoeuvre (ooer) to do a short cut which then didn't save you any time Owner I goes? PROBABLY NOT. She says back. The little people all played nicely even the one that kept up a small crying noise the entire playtime. Owner says she noticed the little people are able to change moods at will. Do you mean crying one second and smiling the next I goes? YES SIREE she went back. I was going to say that reminded me of someone but Owner was busy boiling a kettle for a fresh batch of hot lemon and couldn't hear me.
Finale finite para. Good ruggles sped in whilst Owner popping to luxury shed and was given three portions starting with real chick (thanks be chickens!). Mr Beau has not been sighted today and neither has Tinkers. Me? thanks for asking, well trying to catch up on my sleep and rest and snoozes and naps with a little bit of playing and eating in between really. Tonight we have high hopes of enjoying corrie X 2 which is labouring (Owner says) the storyline of temptress tina and nose out of joint several crimes later including murder Tracy. of course I need not update anyone on Enders because even if you had been down a sink hole for a year you would easily guess that moany old cancer ridden Carol had got the whole square trying to marry her move in with her cook for her and help her and all she needs to do is say I want to be on my own. We love it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it folks as the weekend is here. Big love Wonka x
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