Wonka here. It is fair to say we had a good night's sleep but all to do when Owner got down as far as dining room where the evidence that Mr Beaujangles is never to be given pilchards again was on the luxury carpet. I have to give myself ten out of ten for perching on the sideboard and encouraging Owner on as she cleaned up for what seemed hours. Again, I was patience itself waiting for my good breakfast to arrive and not once did I say HURRY UP OWNER! and not once did Owner say anything about giving up. I says to her, are you alright Owner and she goes IT COULD BE WORSE and she is right. We are not flooded in like some poor folks, we are not in the middle of a warzone and we are never buying pilchards ever again full stop.
Fresh para. Owner is helping me to give feedback about the poor photohoots on this good blog and so far in is staying calm.

Final para. We loved last night's telly and shouted a lot during The Voice. There was one bit where our beloved Kylie of the Minogue picked a singer who was just like her! but blonder and curvier and Essexier. Yes. We are still loving Marvin who doesn't sing in JLS anymore until they get back together and a girl called Emma. Grandson is still here and it means I cannot go in the spare bedroom but I don't mind because I have my giant nest stroke settee downstairs. Mr Beau is nesting on the table, yes.
Real final para. We are ready for tea, falling about and prancing on ice and Mr Beau has finally gone out. Owner reports she saw him strolling yes strolling down the motorway stroke street. I said don't watch Owner! I KNOW she says. We are sort of ready also for the week ahead and Owner says if it is anything like the one that's gone (rounded off by a fuse blowing and I don't mean that metaphorically thingy I mean really) then she is leaving town. We saw a good DVD called The World's End which was very funny and cheered Owner up and on. We suggest if you have the week from hell to watch it. In the meantime, go steady wherever you are in the Wold.
big Love Wonka x
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