Wonka here. First up the alarm went off but Owner already awake (says). I beg to differ folks as I had been gently prodding and scratching for hours. The sun was out and no cats out there but when Owner goes to stock up the luxury shed who whistles past but tinkerbelle the Usurper!! We love her or him.

Fresh reviewing para. owner is now sneezing for England says. What about the rest of the Wold I goes. I can soon sneeze for them too she says back. This reviewing thing has spread, it started with aged parent who has been reviewed within an inch of their life, to aged sibling, to me and Mr Beaujangles til Owner is threatening to run away. PLEASE STAY! I have begged Owner. When things get on top of you, running away is of course an option, but to be fair I am now facing up to Mr Beaujangles and saying things like I WAS HERE FIRST! and watching as Owner plonked Mr B outside saying and I quote, you are not to hiss at Wonka. NO. If only the other problems were as easily solved and Owner could pop the annoying and unhelpful people to aged sibling outside their good back doors saying (making this up) that is not neighbourly and we won't stand for it! Instead Owner will have to traipse through red tape says. I have promised to be extra cuddly and non scratchy whilst this is happening.
Final final para: Now Owner did survive at the star dentists yesterdee and is on appt 3 now (out of a possible 4). This is a good thing I went to Owner! also good things are the little people who did a weensy bit more tidying up than yesterdee and can all say Owner's name (perhaps not a good thing but still). Another good thing is Ruggles is behaving naturally and not hissing through closed doors at anyone. He is still our fave. And Tinkers.Now tonight if I can bring Owner round and stop her from going a GIANT WORRY JIVE there is good corrie and the temptress tina storyline. We love it. And to all those poor folk out there having to walk to work because there is a strike on the underground and who are flooded out, we love you even more. To everyone else in the Wold wherever you are in it, go steady. I promise to look after Owner as well. Big Love Wonka x
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