Now fresh para. I might stick to Ariel (who is Ariel?? no not the soap powder is it a real person? Owner says might be Shakespearean. OH). Now once Owner had finally decided (List) 1. Still ill and throat funny but must press on with day off. 2. Might put more blonde on her blonde. Yes, even though she tells me they all warn you in the small print to wait two and half years I mean weeks before you dab anymore stuff on your head. 3. to be brave and let me have a closer encounter with Mr or Mrs Beaujangles (I told Owner she must check this out.) Here is important photshoot:

This one on a different windy ledge and the other one is just to the left of Mr B's ear. he has called once and Rug has been twice. We think rug knows Owner is feeding another one and is staking his important claim. he has called again for tea and for a brief second or two settled on the good door mat. I was allowed to view Mr B from the safety of the dining room and he (or she I bet it is a girlie.) viewed me from the kitchen. it did not hiss today.
Final Ariel para. The jury is out we are not sure if we like it or we don't(the Font thing). yes so Owner parked up alright on the motorway out there with both cars patiently waiting whilst she did a perfect reverse park. (Says) then fell in with bags of luxury cat litter and bales of catfood for all these cats society cats. We love it. Also returned with not one but two packets of blonde stuff in case first and preferred one turns hair funny colour. You will want to know the result all you good folks out there? Owner is happy. this equals happidom for me too then and no hiding under that bed! Our thought for the day is BE BLONDER. Now tonight we will be shouting up for our ice panel with good Robin and Jason those judges and our faves are Dan and Hayles. We loved The Voice last night and won't hear a word against Kylie. If Owner can manage to stay up and not feel too ill with it being Mundee tmro we might watch more things like calling the Midwife. We love Jenny Agutter and always will do (Railway Children you know). Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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