Fresh and windy para. Beau Beau spent the night with us and I have to reward myself for being on best behaviour. it lasted throughout Rugglesis visit for supper last night and I did not mind even when he growled consistently (phew) at me. But that is not a secret you say so what is?? In keeping with our campaign to cheer up Owner, I said to her why don't you do a little book slot on this blog once a week to keep the good folk out there interested? but really folks I did it to keep her off a giant worry jive that she will go on, on Sundees. ***************So here is Owner's book for the week slot:
Now you see the secret connection!! That is the front which I flew up to the top, and that is Mary Lennox on it and here is the back with Dickon and Colin.
Back to normal para. Me? Thanks for asking, had a really nice day with lots of much needed rest, naps and full on sleep interspersed (OOH!) with snacks. Now here is my news for the day, did Owner on her second trip to the luxury shed to stock up see the new secret cat nestled up on the good car seat!!! Before it ran off with the mistaken idea that Owner was a monster from Mars. We are calling it Bertie for now. And it lives round the back somewhere. And it is a nice tortoishell colour. We love it. Tonight we are glued to skipping about on the ice with our fave Hayley and fave Dan but we think our not fave Ray might be the winner. Owner is alright with this as she has slipped into a benign mood praise be, and is then set to watch the midwives where we have hankies out the whole time. She says watching The Terminal with beloved Tom Hanks has put her into this benign mood and recommends it to anyone feeling old, ill, ugly, poverty stricken and just a bit off kilter. I have advised Owner against looking in the mirror for the rest of this good day in order to maintain her good mood but she didn't hear me above blowing her nose. Do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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