Now where is the photoshoot you are saying? Owner said I could have one of me seeing as Sammy dog took over yesterdee. There is one of me with my new biscuits, one of me sitting on the washing or one of me looking out back at two canoodling pigeons on the fence...... the last one it is then. I am giving those pigeons a good stare from the safety of the sideboard and the window that looks out back. These two cheeky pigeons have been trotting along the top of the fence for a couple of days now and guess what? YES. I love them.
New and on the go para. So today had to run a bit differently for Owner who flung off out to SEE TO THINGS. Thankfully I got a good few hours sleep in before she flung back in talking about a rude man in the supermarket car park. ~We all know that when Owner talks of someone's manners or lack of them there is trouble afoot. Luckily she got away with challenging him about banging his car door against her side door without further incident or getting knocked to the ground. Was it wise, I said from well behind the door, to say anything to a six foot hefty looking chappie? But she didn't hear me above unpacking the latest hair product. I can only hope the promise on the good packaging lives up. Me? thanks for asking, well I am looking forward to some more tea and maybe a biscuit or two and peeking at Ruggles when he nips in and after that there is good Corrie, good Masterchef and a new thing on 2. According to Owner we must watch it. WHY? I dared to ask. Because said Owner it is from Ian Hislop who is funny and about the supposed good old days. OH I says. Try as I might I cannot remember where we got up to in good corrie so it will a nice surprise to find out. Surely Tina will come adrift and if not her then would be strike a light Owen and failing all of that we have lying through her teef (oh no I said teef....no Owner has not found the new and perfect Dentist yet) Madeh. Now do go steady good folks out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big love Wonka x
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