Fresh breaking para. Owner said I AM JUST OFF TO THE SHOPS WONKA and I said surely we do not need anything else try not to buy anything you don't need Owner, but she didn't hear me above closing the good front door. When she trots back in yes she actually walked to the shops I nearly fell over in fright, WALKING I said? but it's alright it was not for the sake of good exercise but to save moving the car with no name I DON'T WANT TO LOSE THE SPACE she said. that's alright then. What is that in that bag I said alright I ventured? IT IS A BAG she says. Did you need another bag I went, from the safety of the living room? I didn't need another bag she said when she found me, but I liked the look of it. And 5 minutes later is she on about 'adjusting' it. I rest my whole and entire case good folks out there. No wonder the country is failing despite all the good statistics coming through about falls in this and falls in that, the only thing that is falling said Owner is the temperature. RIGHT I said. Now today's photoshoot is a good cartoon about Owner's break: I have flown it up and blown it up!! It is me and Aunty in the good house and Rug outside, owner is speeding off to the South West in the car with no name and there are her good friends waiting. happy days indeed. We love it.
Final happy days para. Whilst Owner continues with her notes and packing and generally getting under my feet I have tried to get a little me time in. Mr Beau did pop last night and was popped back out. blow me if he isn't back eating two whole trays of 'pate' chicken and turkey. His tummy is making strange gurgly noises and he is doing the dead dog act again. I tried to lay right up to him and he made a new gurgly noise but from his mouth this time. I am now on the giant nest stroke settee listening to him from afar. I HAVE PACKED FOR EVERY EVENTUALITY goes Owner as if we have been on the edge of our seats wanting to know. That's good Owner I said, and What's for tea? Tonight if I can get Owner to sit still and stop checking things we shall watch Enders and Masterchef. There is a hint of trouble brewing for Lucee who is revealing an angst ridden mixed up character with some hidden depth to it. It's a bit late for that now said Owner and she may be right. the one we did want to see the back of is Staycee, oh and alfee and Kat. We think they should leave with Staycee to further up North like Watford gap or something. As for Masood we worry about him we do, working for Royal Mail is no longer the job it used to be and Saint Jane isn't either. Meanwhile the Queen Vic is overflowing with Mick's family when all we really want is him and his smouldering looks. We love him.
Real final para. Owner said I should put a small note on tomorrow otherwise she goes the good folk will get in a muddle. Therefore, there will a small note on for Good Fridee folks and until then, go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it and whether you are having a break or not. Big Love Wonka x
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