It is a special big birthday for this lady, who sang with a big voice and starred in films like move over darling......... and yes it was yesterdee but owner said it is BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. We love it.
Fresh fused para. Owner slept through the alarm as having a dream and a half said. involved pyramids and ancient spices. No wonder you didn't hear the alarm I went, although personally I think it would wake up a mummy or two (my little joke!). We trots on down and because we are a mite late Ruggles is patiently hugging up to the good back door for us. He is loving the new cartons of pate that Owner has bought in, 5 at a time to save us money which of course I have turned my nose up at. I must have luxury and expensive food at all times. WONKA WON'T EAT THOSE she said to the good assistant at the we'll save your money supermarket. But Ruggles he wolfs them down. We are not talking to Mr Beau who has taken to calling in at the same time as Rug calls for his supper. it is too nerve wracking for Owner who has to keep me in the dining room with Mr Beau whilst Rug chomps in peace. And Me?? Shut in the room with Mr Beau?? I did love him and then I downgraded it to a crush and now I'm downgrading it to a nuisance. At least Ruggles is consistent and has always growled. Owner says it is just out of fear and I did say, was that what you thought when he bashed you up and gave you a black eye that time, but she didn't hear me above taking a phone call for more work next week. I only hope she has rested up and found her longer fuse by then good folks. On a lighter note as she trots back in the good back door she told me straightaway we have a new DVD. WHAT IS IT NOW I says thinking it will be another action packed film that I can drop off too. It is Man of Steel!!! says Owner proud as anything. At last a film I can look forward to. Owner could not read who is in it even with her glasses on but it does say this about it: 'Perfection!' And if it is good folks out there I will eat one of Rugglesis trays of pate. I love it.
Fresh para and prob final one too: Owner is often hard pressed and bedraggled coming home to me and here follows a photoshoot that never fails to cheer her up as she stands by the good front door ready to fall in.
Yes it is ME!!!!! I jump up onto the window sill and say HALLOOOO, I am starving etc etc. she loves me. The little people were all over the place as they are BREAKING UP she goes. A bit like you I said from well behind the door. Given some chocolate and a nice cup of builders tea all will right itself I said to her, still from behind the door. now tonight, given half a chance we will snug up to Corrie X 2 and cheatin peter's dilemma of not just one babeh but two, and maybe some more news on bungly burglars with nice Les Dennis. Grieving Roy is still in with a shout too and hovering or simmering nicely is the new black comedy partnership of Owen and Gazzer. Back with Enders you will never guess in million years who funny old Lucee is having a dalliance with? He used to like Staycee then it was that other one we didn't like interspersed (ooer) with his wife Tanya, well it is MAX. We were led a bit up the garden path thinking it was that other chappie who recovered from drinking slightly Lauren had a weensy fling with. And that's without all that is going on in the Queen Vic. Even Shirley looks muddled by it. But it is her good bruv that we are latched onto. Owner says he is worth watching it for. We love it.
Now not only is it the weekend folks but some people out there in the wold are on their good hols, so do go steady wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x

Now not only is it the weekend folks but some people out there in the wold are on their good hols, so do go steady wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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