Warming up para. Now as the good morning wore on and Owner gradually realised (list) 1. this could be the start of 2 weeks off and more fool her for saying yes she might work next week 2. It is THE VOICE FINAL and Owner as you know has followed like a slave (more later) and 3. It is not the end of the World. To spur her on I encouraged Owner to do a final edit on our Easter Story. I said it is nearly Easter Owner, is the story ready?? NEARLY she said back and spent a nice hour mucking around with her illustrations for it. In the meantime, there is a good cartoon of the JUDGES FOUR as Owner calls them, on the Voice. So there is nice willyam, even nicer Kylie, SirTom and our fave this series, it is RICKY. he is a Kaiser Chief. Yes I have flown it up top PLUS made it bigger. Next week we shall reveal bits of the Easter story too.................
Next sweet Para. Owner is addicted to choc limes and rowntrees fruit gums there the truth is out. yes, no wonder she is at the dentist night and day, that is when she has good dentist to go to. No she has not found a new one yet. We have run down on the fruitgums but are stocked up on the limes. And if all fails there is a tin of CAR SWEETS in the car with no name. it just means Owner has to get dressed and put all her warrior paint on and do her hair to make the short walk across the motorway stroke street to the car. Is it worth it I muttered to owner one dark and cheerless night. OH YES she said back. Now Owner finally hurtled on out to shop, visit and go to the happy place in that order. And remarkably folks out there when she trots back in all fit and smiling, she says IT WAS PERFECT today. I nearly fell over with the shock of it, I mean last week she had to pretend a) (small list) she was invisible and b) the person who she didn't want to see, was invisible too. Perhaps, I observed (get me) to Owner, they thought on it, and have decided never to return to the happy place incase YOU ARE THERE and may see them??? but luckily Owner's mood is on Sweet setting and she did not hear me above telling Ruggles it was his teatime and how much we loved him. Speak for yourself I did whisper behind the firmly shut dining room door. I love it.
Real and finally sweet para. So tonight it is The Voice and do we want anyone special to win. We love Jaimie who sang 'I can't make you love me' and Owner did shed a tear at this. I must say I am not a fan of unrequited (Owner is very proud) love but let him off. We love Christina even if she is a bit shouty what is wrong with that?? I mean Owner does it and I love her. Then there is Jermaine who says he is 19 but good folks, it is 19 going on a lot more. he can sing high and low and good Zoe Ball rates him as a future politician. YES. and last up is Sally. She is a mature and good singer and has lots of fans willing her on. At a push said Owner, I say it will be between Jamie and Christina. Then there is good and interesting Casualtee with a returned Doctor in it who may clash with all. Well all except Charlie. No one but no one clashes with Charley Nursey. On a final and sweet and happy note, the Grand National horse race has been run with NO HORSES HURT. This is very good news as we love all animals do me and Owner. Now do enjoy your evening and go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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