Wonka here. we slept right in dreams and all, and no silly peeping to get us up. I had a long tummy tickle and cuddle and there is no better way good folks out there to start your day. Oh alright you could follow it up with a little pounce on Owner's foot then. Now because it is April lots of things start to happen like the Grand National horsey race, like the Boat race (between two Unis Cambridge and Oxford) and Clare Balding pops up all over the shop to tell us all about it. Then there is Easter and the World Championship Snooker, so really folks it is rather exciting. In days gone by, or as Owner says LONG GONE (in a sad voice) the family used to bet on the Grand National and the Boat Race. It was a family tradition. And Owner reports that her Great Aunt Maud and Uncle Horry (that is short for Horace says) knew all the runners and riders. HAPPY DAYS she said. I love it.

Fresh Boating para. Owner fell back in at 5ish and said had headache. I did say are you trying to do too much Owner, between swimming and visiting aged parent in hospital oh and of course buying too tons of food for me, but she didn''t hear me above scrabbling in the cupboard for the headache tablets. I'M DOING TOO MUCH she said. She also reports, wait for it, and we are not making it up, a huge blow up Father Christmas as she drove off to see Aged parent. It is only 8 months too early. Now one thing that will help Owner relax is a good laugh and I don't just mean the 3 DVDs we have stacked up and ready for viewing (the vin diesel one is first up) no I mean by reading a funny book!!!
**********HERE WE ARE IT IS OWNER'S BOOK SLOT OF THE WEEK****************

It is DOWN WITH SKOOL by Geoffrey Willans illustrated by Ronald Searle and all about Nigel Molesworth. There he is on the front cover!!. I have flown that to the left and below it is a double spread of the Skool, St Custard's. The dog is the Skool dog, the upside down pupil is Nigel's pal a 'grate frend' calld Peason. But really this book is 'A guide to school life for tiny pupils and their parents'.

And the last illustration is described: Boys are encouraged to develop their individual characters and expand their personalities. Yes he is digging a grave! There are chapters on all the Skool, and I thought if Owner keeps up with this laughing I shall have to get the rest of the series. It was published in 1953 and Owner says it may as well have been published in 2013. Skool good folks out there is the same old place as it always was as Owner should know as she persists in trudging round all the Skools. We love it.
Final boating para. Owner has made me watch the race even though good Clare Balding is zooming up and down in speed boats and how can she keep up all this sport and still do good morning Sundee? We love Hardeep Singh Kohli when he 'fills in' and at least he is not commentating too (on the boat race). I want Cambridge to win and Owner does too(sorry Oxford). Usually I am forced to watch a film with Owner saying things like IT IS ALRIGHT and I LIKE HIM stroke HER though more likely to be a him. Mr Beau has called in and he made Owner jump as she suddenly saw him on the windysill outside. She still let him in and he ate all my tea and then his. At least Ruggles is too nervous to eat anything else except off his special plate. it is a big plate with a red bottom. yes. Now tonight Owner has checked and apart from one programme on at 9pm I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN STAY UP she goes, there is nothing on. What is the programme you say? it is about nurses in the first world war. We love nurses in anything. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it as the new week approaches. Big Love Wonka X
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