All smiles continue para. Owner is transfixed by the snooker and I had to say to her OWNER it is time to get off to the job to earn a small amount of money to buy food for us with. OOH YES she goes still looking at our hero Ronnie knocking the balls in. Some time later she falls back in on about visits to aged sibling and parent and such like and I tried to listen but I was busy checking on Bertie growler and food levels. ARE YOU LISTENING she goes and I had to say YES but really I wasn't. but it turned out that Beloved hero Ronnie is through to the semis and poor Shaun Murphy got whitewashed. Now for our photoshoot we have Owner's good cartoon of our early mornings: yes I have flown it up top, but I am on the side near to Owner in the good kitchen, and Bertie Growler is to the left at bottom and good Ruggles is peering in the window. it is tiny and I tried to make it bigger Oh Well.
Still smiling despite a phone call para. Who to you say straight off? To the inland revenue folks out there and that is our code name for TAX. Important things to note (list) 1. if you are ringing up about your tax code remember to set aside half a day. 2. A robot will ask you questions and try not to shout and get impatient (Owner) 3. When, some time later (one hour) you do get through to a real person just agree with near enough all they say. When they say YOU ARE NOT LISTENING agree with them and even own up that you were being a little impatient. 4. laugh at any jokes they make. 5. ~Call yourself silly and foolish at every opportunity. This is the sure way said Owner (still smiling. Just) to get on the right tax code. We half love it.
final worn out with smiling now para. Last night after the usual feeding fest, Owner got through Enders with no sign of any queen Vic folk are they all on hols, oh no she went, that girly one was in it chatting up Scarf and cancer ridden Carol's newly arrived daughter. Masood is bereft of Saint Jane and thinks his daughter may have had something to do with it. he is so right. Holby City once more spent more time with mixed up doctors and nurseys etc than ill people and Happy Valley was anything but. Owner reports it WENT A BIT DARK. Not before bedtime was the conclusion. tonight we are all behind thanks to the Inland Revenue and their poor contact system. They must know we are desperate to get in touch about our poor and hard earned money and sit there next to ringing phones drinking tea and getting their own tax affairs in order. if we get back on track says Owner there is good Corrie with twisted and confusing messages going back and forth and upsets all to play for. We still think Steve will get with Amy or whatever her name is who is going out with his best mate and smiles and laughs all the time. No one said Owner can be that happy. Then there is good masterchef and more snooker if we can cope. Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it. Big Love wonka x
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