Cold and dank para. I am not making it up, Owner just trooped out on one of her many journeys to the luxury shed or bin and came back in saying how horrible it is. I did say do you mind shutting the poor back door quietly next time as that gave me a start but she didn't near me above doing the washing up. Only a few dishes and plates from me and the others!! nothing to write home about. I MIGHT GO SWIMMING she said a bit later on. Which was nice really as it means more peace and quiet for me and Bertie! Grandson you all enquire? It is a known fact that they don't get up before lunch time unless starvation sets in. I love it.
*******************BOOKSLOT OF THE WEEK*******************
And it is a tiny book - The Tiny Book of HUGS!!

Fresh and huggy para. I USED TO HAVE A HUGGY BEAR goes Owner, and it turns out this was for daughter who loved it. Where is HUGGY now I wondered? I hope he is hugging a little girl or boy somewhere goes Owner, and so do I. I cannot bring myself as yet to hug Bertie but Owner said that is fine as he is busy hugging blankets. We love him.
Final zen huggy para. Tonight there is a bit more on than last night which Owner says was a wash out. Even beloved Dale Winton in inittowinit, said funny night. this just means all the contestants were ill informed and had no general knowledge and got most of the questions wrong. A FOOL COULD HAVE ANSWERED that shouted Owner at the telly. Yes, there is a joke there. Now we shall watch Britain's got some talent resurrected on tonight after the footy last night. Then there is the soap awards which should make Owner's heart beat faster especially if Enders gets some. yes for going over the top says Owner. Well it is drama I said from well behind the kitchen door. Now I'm pleased to report that Grandson did awaken, Owner did get off out of it and go swimming and they have watched a nice film with tons of fighting and killing in it. Called REDS2 with nice Bruce Willis and John Malko thingy. We loved it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it and I'm very sorry for you if it is work tomorrow because we are having a bank holidee Mundee. Big Love Wonka
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