Distraction number one para: thankfully a mystery has arrived through the post in the shape of a parcel. it was left next door by the good postie and collected by Owner when she crawled back in this afternoon on about being tired and so forth. After we had been fed twice (me and Growler), tidied up after, had my own special litter tray changed as I will not go in it otherwise, and gone out to the dustbin and luxury shed, I did say to Owner was she going to open it anytime soon? Luckily she did not hear me above ripping the parcel open with a pair of scissors, a little like her attacking motion with the bottom of the plant pots. STEADY! I said from under the table. And guess what it was? No it wasn't that. This good folks out there is what was hiding in the parcel....

YES!! Owner was immediately restored to ALRIGHT setting. But good folks, it is a mystery gift, with an anonymous note. Clues you say? the note is addressed to Quasimodo the first gnome, the one with the watering can (photoshoot to follow), there is reference to 'this madwoman bought me' (?? could be one of many Owner says. Hmm) and 'I found my way here (thanks to Leprachaun post). All we can deduce says Owner is the Irish connection. Thanks to this, our gnome is called Mr O Leary. (this is a nod to Dermot who we listen to on Satdee aft and who I have proudly posed by his CD.)

So that weensy miniscule gnome by the red flower pot is whistles, and that even smaller speck is newbie gnome and then the original quasi is the speck of blue to the right. Could you not have blown it up Owner I goes and she said I'll blow you up in a minute Wonka but she was only joking! I love it.
Final mystery para. As long as Owner is mucking about with gnomes and our teatime she is not dwelling on any changes she needs to make in her life. And there is good Corrie x 1 and Masterchef to tide her over. in Corrie, Tyrone is gradually seeing Maria in a different light, a good and flattering light, whilst FIZ his saviour beforehand, good friend and stalwart (Owner says good use of word) partner etc and so on, may be brushed aside. Cheatin and not recovered alcoholic Pete went on a bender and then had a horrid showdown with Carla who threw a photo of the bebeh at him. Alright it is early days for the bebeh but is all a glass darkly for this couple said Owner wisely. OH I goes. masterchef will be lighter fair (!) and Owner can get well and truly involved with other lives and not her own. We are on a slight Mr Beau alert because he dropped in last night with gurgly tummy and Owner said YOU ARE A BAG OF BONES Beau Beau. prayers to St Francis went up. Now I must dash as Ruggles may be waiting on the step and Bertie may have come out of his lair. He continues to live up to all the reasons many good folk do not take to us felines as pets. We love it. Aged parent said to owner yesterdee how many cats do you have now, and Owner goes 2 inside and 3 outside (counting Tinkers). Aged parent says do they all get on? and Owner says NO. Owner reports that this made aged parent laugh for quite some time. it is funny I said, from behind the kitchen door. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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