Fresh fix it para. I did manage thank you all very much to get Owner out on time to get to school number one for her job there. The minute she whisked off saying things like thank goodness it is Fridee and at least I feel alright and it is OK Wonka I have some hair product in my bag if all goes wrong, I could sink back on my luxury nest aka the settee and get some shut eye. There is nothing good folks out there more tiring than Owner on fix it settting. Like what you all say? First up I said to owner you must take that skirt back even though you will be too tired. Second up I said you must sort out the job with the little people or grow a giant worry wart over it. did she do it? YES SHE DID! Skirt gone back to the shop that sells not just any old clothes. I must say goes Owner I have never seen so many acid colours and patterns this year. OH I goes back. I checked to see if she had exchanged one mistake in a long line of them for another but no!! ~Well done Owner! And the job that is not quite doing it I said? nearly sorted out she says back. I have spoken to staff and as for the little people they have stepped up. it turns out that one of the little people declared they were set to be good the entire lunchtime and actually achieved it! ~this is a major fix it beyond Owner's expectations. With all this positive stuff going on me and Bertie were fed twice and Mr Beau has popped in for some of the cat food Owner thinks will sort out his gurgly tummy. For our photoshoot we thought one of me for a change looking out back as we love it:

Final fixed para: we are planning a fairly benign (love it) evening ahead good folks with our dose of Corrie x 2 and Enders x 1 and somehow we must fit in masterchef THE FINAL. last night jack, Luke it is Luke thankfully, and Ping all wrestled with food for this famous chef I have personally never heard of in my life. neither had Owner and all this time he has been famous to all and sundry. his name you all want to know (you mean you do not know!) it is Ferran Adria accent over the a. Well I'll go to the halfway point of our stairs I said when they kept on saying how famous he is. he may be Spanish, who knows. anyhow did they all cook up some nice dishes and tonight one of them will win it! We love Luke as he is lagging behind. Owner says she had better not predict anything as with her track record of song contests and so on.... in Corrie there are several storylines coming up to the boil and we pray madeh and sofee are not one of them. Good and turned out quite nice Owen is still in the dark about Anna's dark deeds to set her family free and Mum to be Carling black eyebrows is still oblivious (love that word!) to her lapsed husband Petah's cheating ways, with pretend friend Teenah. Now Owner is safely back onto I love the wold setting, Enders should pass us by without too much shouting at the tv. BUT. Shirlee's rather good looking son angelo (??) is back in the square! Just when you thought that family of Mick's could not extend any further it has! and surely there is room for more in that pub. And last but not least, evil Phil's son Ben is wandering about somewhere ready to turn up perhaps as a new actor said Owner hopefully. Time now good folks to check for Rugglesis. me? never been happier. If Owner is happy then so am I. I love it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it as the weekend is upon us. Big Love Wonka x
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