Fresh and sorted para. Goodness knows why Owner is tired as all she has to do is feed us really with a bit of shopping here and there and a small amount of cleaning round. Me? Thanks for asking, well there is the checking thing where I have to check on Bertie, spy out front and back for Ruggles and Tinkers and jump upon things. No wonder I have to rest up so much is there? Now naughty Mr Beau turns up first thing and stays in and the next thing we look round and he is in my box!! Owner says THAT IS THE WRONG BOX Mr Beau! and she soon found another box and popped him in it. I did say does Mr Beau need that nice old tea towel in the bottom of it because I haven't got one but she didn't hear me for going into the Narnia cupboard for more newspaper. so for our good cartoon there is me and Mr Beau.

Fresh sorted para. what else you ask is sorted out then? Owner has been on the phone (oh no) and been resolving an issue (oh no) to do with aged parent (double dip oh no). BUT, I was listening and all was calm and collected. NO she is not on tablets to the best of. Phone you all ask, I thought it was up the swanee river.....It is all fixed because Owner realised it was not a fault on the line (it was reported of course it was. ) it was the 25 year old phone. YOU WILL HAVE TO LET IT GO I ventured. Owner has a problem with this but low and behold she rolled back in with a new fangled phone. With a ring that just rings properly. I DO MISS THE OLD ONE she said. AH I went back. yes, so aged parent is happy, Owner is happy and so am I. I love it.
Final tired out para. Now last night was a jamboree of Britain has more than a little talent which is on all week. Possibly this is why Owner is tired. That and the holidee. So more of the same tonight if we can stand the excitement of magicians and comics, singers on boxes and dancers. BUT Happy Valley is on and this means an hour of edge of your seat nerves jangling drama. on the good TV for a change and not in the home itself. Only joking Owner!! And not to forget Corrie! last night even Rita came out from behind the counter in the Kabin to have a word with Teenah, and had to slap her into the bargain. Ouch said Owner. We think tonight Teenah gets despatched. ONE WAY TICKET goes Owner. We love it. And born again Christian Owen still cannot fathom Anna. she is beginning to resemble Staycee with her looks and faces. Please say something Anna we beg you. Now if all of that isn't going to wear us out nothing can. Grandson? still on my giant nest thankyou for asking. and the fridge is a wasteland. We love it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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