Now you will all want to see the new plant pot and here it is: flown it to the left hand side don't ask me why. doesn't it look grand. finally Owner called it after Baba because after he went off to the sanctuary in the sky this little tiny thing next to his fave kennel grew loads and even sprouted a flower!! we love it. and we love you Baba. hankies away folks!
Next tip top para. Owner announced a visit to aged parent with two new items of clothing. Let's hope you do better with her than those trousers I shouted after her but she didn't hear me above closing the good front door. thankfully this means I can get my head down and not have to advise for the next few hours. Bertie is in his lair I checked. Bliss. it only seemed like seconds later when she came crashing back through the front door laden with boxes of food and water. She used to criticise aged parent and sibling for buying water in....WHY ARE YOU STOCKPILING ALL THESE PLASTIC BOTTLES of water she would go. do you remember that I said to her as she was stockpiling it all in the back of the fridge but she pretended not to hear me. Now whilst she was at aged parent's 'home' she took part in the resident's quiz. YES SHE LOVED THEM she goes when I dared to pipe up about the new shirts stroke blouses. (this is tip top)There were some newbies there too she says, and we had a laugh. But how did you do in the quiz I ventured (like it). And here is a further tip top.... I got ten out of ten in the first one but missed a couple in the next. LIKE I said. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. (I knew that). and something about skiing (Slalom. I knew that). She loves it.
Last topping para. More and final tip top news on the social front is that Owner is invited to a party in July. she doesn't know what to wear as yet but we will keep you updated about this important event. I never go out, she declared. This could run and run good folks out there and personally I can see a long line of wrong ill fitting clothes marching in and out the door. Keep it simple I advised, be classy and stylish as only you can. ~Well it is nearly tea time and I don't want to upset the feeding schedule. Now tonight we have to bear up with Enders and the continuing annoying in the extreme storyline about Dot being hoodwinked as to her family. I mean. Deep breaths Owner. Also simmering is David and Carole's scarf and cancer. She is being all lovey dovey which can only mean a big argument maybe this episode or next. As to who knocked off Lucee, my money is on the cleaner who we never glimpse. The there is good Holby city where Jack who is a woman high up doctor thing and her baby's Dad keep at it (fighting), cuddly Doctor thingy keeps smoothing things over and all the others are just plain nasty. ~finally to make sure Owner goes to bed OK there is Happy Valley and we already know this will go badly. and Darkly. but we have to watch it grim and all. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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