Fresh drizzle mizzle para. it is never going to stop, well at least til tomorrow according to all good weather forecasts. Now what happened this morning was Owner had to text in to good Radio 2 to tell them off. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT INJURIES. for some reason they wanted listeners to get in touch about their horrid hurtful injuries. of course it was OFF with the radio and ON with our latest CD. What is it you all chirp up. It is good and gone Michael Jackson and we do happen to love his offering from this side of the next room. Our fave is Babeh Love's never been so gooood.... we love it.
Still at it everyone is soggy and wet para. so today Off out she goes with Grandson and at last I had the giant nest to myself and it was blissful.. Mr Beau had popped in, chomped, sat in his box (yes!) for 5 mins before making a racket to go out. In the rain. he might have dementia observed (!) Owner. I forget what happened next........oh yes! me and Bertie enjoyed a few hours of much needed shut eye. all that eating, hiding from monsters (Bertie) and checking out of windows it quite wore us out. Now for the good photoshoot, there is a cartoon of me and Mr Beau Beau:

What is that you all say?? Hold on and I will figure it out for you. to the left is me sitting up and washing my nether regions so that is my tail poking out and my paw is holding me down to the giant nest aka settee. Tucked down on the luxury carpet to the right is Mr Beau. his head is pointing up to us and he is nestling right up to a red hot radiator!that brown thing isn't really brown it is a knitted patchwork blanket for Owner's beloved old dog Diva and it has her name on it. We have a story about Diva saved up for you all once Owner gets her brain in gear. sorry owner! Joking!!
Final umberella para. Last night was thrilling beyond thrilling due to Happy Valley. Owner was as tense as you like on the edge of my nest. it is the last one next week and we cannot wait. There were two more murders and the killer good folks out there, like in all the best dramas IS STILL OUT THERE. and Corrie? Owner did get annoyed with good as gold Owen who try as he might cannot get his partner Anna to say what is bugging her. this storyline is getting on Owner's nerves and I am thinking of writing in. JUST TELL HIM Owner is shouting at the good tv. I did say they cannot hear you but she wasn't listening to me and anyway I whispered it from the depths of my amazon box. I love it. Teenah finally fell to her death and all seemed to watch it happen. and finally, cheatin peetah has told Carling black eyebrows that he has been a rotter. so who dunnit?? it looked like Carla's bruverlybruv to Owner. We shall see. Tonight there is more of the talent show and we were rather disappointed last night. our fave, did not deliver. Even nice David Walliams said so. And then more Corrie if we can stand it and we can stand it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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