Fresh holidee para. Not everyone has a day off today Wonka, goes Owner to me. I was only half listening as I had found a good sunny spot to lay in and was having a wash round. I love it on days like this, I have plenty of rest usually in those sunny spots then I move to a cooler one on any of the giant nests round the house. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz OH, Owner has returned and is doing things so I may have to move. Bertie has gone off out again and is still not back after half an hour so Owner will worry. My life. We love it.
subject of Bertie para. here is a good cartoon of Bertie which Owner says can always use as a MISSINGCAT poster. I have said there will be no need as he knows which side his catfood is on. Our side.

Last bank holidee para. So Owner did pop out for more supplies and I can assure you there is enough out there to form a sanctuary and still some over. Now tonight we must watch Britain has got talent as it is the semi finals and they last all week. We shall be exhausted at the end of it as we must try and watch Corrie too. The storyline of tempting Teenah is about to erupt says Owner into the kind of WHODUNNIT we love. I shall keep you all posted about our faves in the talent show and as it stands Owner loves the man in the pink suit who is a comedian. I might like him too. There are lots of dancers and Owner thinks this is VERY LAST YEAR and boring. Her hair you all want to know, is still in exactly the same position as when it was done despite there being a strong sea breeze. This is down to the PRODUCT she says. Blimey I went back, and am glad my fur does not need this kind of treatment as I am very natural. Not that Owner isn't and I wouldn't say that to her ever even from deep in the wardrobe. I love her. Now Grandson is still glued to my giant nest aka the settee and may request food any minute. This is something we have in common, our love of resting and eating. Now good Ruggles may be out there waiting for his tea time plus Bertie. Tinkers has been and stayed quite close to Owner out in the good back yard. Owner reports that Tinkers has a permanent startled expression. (I managed not to make the obvious joke good folks as I have not had my tea time as yet). Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it, and have a wonderful week ahead. Big Love Wonka x
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