Fresh Eurovision para. yes unless you live in some remote spot or desert island or do not possess a radio or tv you must know it is tonight for the SONG CONTEST. It is in the capital of Denmark which we are hoping me and Owner, is Copenhagen. The home we think of the little Mermaid. Owner spent some of the afternoon with aged parent who seemed to have forgotten the story. YOU KNOW THE ONE goes Owner. NO said her Mother, I DON'T. So Owner sped through the story as quick as you like. It is by Hans Christian Anderson she continued but she may as well have said Danny Kaye who we think was in the film. And if I keep going with this I am going to have there once was an ugly duckling on the brain.....Owner reckons it could be worse. To brighten up this drizzle and rain sodden (Owner says alright to say this) day we have a photoshoot to suit. It is owner's best cartoon of tonight's event. Owner says it should include a bit of everything and the ones to the left are maybe Norway but there is a skater on the stage and over to the right is the bearded one in the beauty dress and lots of others. What about our Molly I said. No room says Owner because she is on last. WOE. Any predictions (like it) for tonight then I said pretending to be interested and she goes and I quote: SWEDEN WILL WIN IT. We'll see I said back. I love it.
Final Eurovision para. Now when Owner returned from a lot of shopping and visiting I could see a bag with clothes in it. YOU HAVEN'T I said. It's nothing much she said speeding upstairs with it. turns out the trousers would look quite nice on someone a quarter of Owner's age but all else was smashing. (my new fave word). There is also a book and a dvd incase we get restless tomorrow. What is it you all shout up? It is called HOMEFRONT and listen to this it says: ' a sharp, mean, lean action thriller'. Can we stand it I wondered to Owner. We might have to she says if there is nothing else. Now the credit card has taken another bashing and I did say to Owner, saying you simply must have something new is no excuse but she didn't hear me above being on the phone to her best friend on about a holiday. I ask you. What about ME? oh yes and Bertie and Rug and Mr Beau. So tonight good folks we will watch a little bit of the Song Contest and maybe a bit of Britain might have talent with Simon Ghoul. Surely a good evening is ahead of us? 26 songs though............Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it, and good luck if you are in the song contest. may the best song win!! Big love Wonka x
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