Diversion para. I have warned Owner that she will have massive withdrawals tmro when all is over. I KNOW she said to me. but she said, she is still on a search for soft socks. Whatever are you on about I goes. I have been on a sock search she said, TO NO AVAIL. Nowhere it seems sells soft plain socks which DO NOT GRIP YOUR LEG. The vast warehouse come supermarket used to sell them, but since it turned itself from a small to medium sized shop into another county it no longer does. There's a lot of things it no longer sells said Owner, which she liked. Just where are they now? We are a bit stuck now as to where to go for these socks. did you look at the Men's section owner I said or perhaps I ventured (smile)....YES. They don't have them either. All there is are patterned socks, stay fresh socks, long socks, sports socks, trainer socks but no non elasticated socks. I did say should that be 'all there are...' but Owner couldn't hear me above her Sock Sermon. In the old days she said, socks did not stay up and fell down in your wellies so it was uncomfortable but at least you knew you had a proper sock on. We love it.
Final sockless para. We managed to watch The Crimson field last night full of good nurses, and blind soldiers pretending they could see. There is plenty of unrequited love which Owner likes mostly I think because she has a degree in it! Only joking Owner! We also noted that there is a review of that Happy Valley which called it relentlessly grim. They are SPOT ON went Owner. Tonight if Owner's nerves hold, we will be watching a punishing schedule folks. First up is tonight's final snooker session and at the moment it is 12 - 11 in Mark less of a Jester's favour and looking skew whiff for Ronnie. ~~List: 1. 7pm last session of snooker. 2. flick over to Corrie X 1 at 7 30pm to see if any excitement other than leeanne and her latest silly decision, Sophee and hers or Sally. 3. If the snooker is too tense we could watch a little bit of Enders to put it all in perspective and then 4. flick over to corrie X 2 for more calming down storylines. Not the Sophee and Madeh one this will wind Owner up and I'll be under the bed. 5. Back to the snooker and our hero Ronnie. It is John Virgo talking us through it and we love him he goes 'and where's the cue ball going!'. We love it. Owner is now working out how to fit in a million jobs in a short space of time around this busy schedule. I did say have you accounted for (like it) us cats in all of this Owner. She goes YOU ARE TOP OF MY TO DO LIST. I love it. Tinkerbelle has been sighted and stayed for a good two seconds at the back gate looking in at Owner until she fled. she has beauty green eyes goes Owner. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it good folks. Big Love Wonka x
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