Happening para. What is this you say with just a tad of interest. Owner went against all my good advice and took a peek at good Russell Grant's video, yes video horoscope for today. So not only can she hear bad news she can see Russell deliver it! I ask you! it was alright though because he says Gemini is in our sign (Virgo) for a whole month and it is good news career wise. 'MAKE IT HAPPEN' he said looking serious. But Owner, I said from well behind the kitchen door, you haven't got a career. THEN I'LL HAVE TO FIND ONE she goes. How she will fit in a career and look after me and the others I do not know and I am already thinking of contacting Russell directly to tell him what video to run for tomorrow and that's SETTLE FOR WHAT YOU GOT!! I love it.
Fresh make it happen some other time para. Now on the subject of all of us I thought is was high time you good folks out there whiling away a few minutes reading this, to reacquaint (OOER) yourselves with who we all are. Some of you have kept up but SOME OF YOU ARE NEW. here follows your update:

Final make it happen if you must para. After the excitement of Happy Valley (not!) which left us on a knife edge until next Tuesdee, and Enders which left us wanting to murder just a few of the cast namely Saint Jane who turns up for Lucee's funeral, Phil who does not suit the role of Ian's friend, Shirlee who is just getting on our nerves full stop and Carol'e scarf. That really does want a good murder well tonight will be a little less knife edge and more pot coming to the boil kind of thing. Luckily I noticed that Corrie is on at 7 and not 7 30 which will avoid Owner having a nervous breakdown (it doesn't take much). Having perused (like it like it) the guide I note we can then go straight to the Great British Menu and onto Supervet!! Oh yes, Owner fitted in a little visit to aged parent and updated her on the news. Top news story she goes to her Mum, oh yes says Mum what is it? Prince Charles has caused a stir over in Canada for all the wrong reasons, (chip off the old block says Owner) they still haven't found that plane and a tennis player who was engaged to another sporty type well it is all called off. To my mind this is the most interesting bit of news and were I to advise the good tennis player I would say there are plenty more sporty types in the Wold who will not let you down at the last minute. Keep calm and carry on tennising! Owner says aged parent got quite animated over all these news items and remained upbeat. Well done I said when she skipped back in with plenty more supplies for us. Now tomorrow is voting day for us good folks here and far be it for me to raise politics as Owner says it cause arguments and fuss. I did say I thought you were voting green from half way up the stairs but she didn't hear me above recycling the bottles. ~we love it. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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