Secure and safe para. Now it has been a bit of a week to say nothing more, and it has fairly well worn me out. I have been on call as you know dishing out firm but fair advice, giving the odd bit of sympathy, telling Owner she looks alright and you know the trouble we have with the hair. so all in all, what with having to cut back on requests for more food and not saying I DON'T LIKE THAT ONE or THE NEXT ONE that gets put down - well it is exhausting. Mr Beau? I have fallen out with him as he waltzs in (spelling) says he is hungry, leaves it, eats mine, flops down in my best amazon box, growls up at me when I say that is my box get out of it, and then asks to go back out!!! Owner was too dazed to notice really and when she crept back in with more food (for me) and said the little people were on their best and how marvellous etc and she was just going to sit still for a minute on my giant nest aka the settee. Naturally I made a little space at the end. Now for our photoshoot, Owner thought you might want one of her sketches of me in my amazon box, when I can get in it!! There I am dreaming away peacefully and not a Mr Beau in sight. I love it.
Final Fridee para. last night of course we had to suffer not one but two Enders. How we got through it I'll never know, as Dot spent an hour being mournful and telling all off. Jane as predicted saved the square with a little bible reading and THE COFFIN played a major part. If you ask me, it has taken away all that Masood had to offer and he wants to complain that a piece of wood is getting more lines and attention. To say it was all mildly annoying is, to quote Owner NOT GOING THERE. There is a villain, no two counting the coffin bearer, and a lot of meaningful looks. Even Shazzer and roxy et al tried to be kindly with all and it simply does not work. Tonight we may go on strike with it even though THE COFFIN has pretended to go west. Who knows it could make a return like the rest of Enders cast list said Owner. I can only agree. But luckily there is Corrie, and born again Christian Owen looked likely to fall off his perch against bully boy builder. And then the storyline of the two women in married for the nth time Peter' sorry life may get going. We love it. Big Ruggles is due for his teatime any minute now so I must dash to check. Now do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it and specially with it being the weekend. Big Love Wonka x
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