Small intervening para. For our photoshoot of the day folks which is a Zen saying all because Owner loves it. You'll see what I mean:

As per I tried to make it bigger and it says: things are not what they seem, nor are they otherwise.
Fresh turning para. What is this you say out there in the Wold, what is turned round. Owner's relationships as you know are always a bit on the edge and can change like the weather, and it is alright she didn't hear me say that she was too busy beating the pancake mix. Earlier on she made a decision to talk to someone she doesn't get on with or talk to. WHY? you ask me would she do that? Is that asking for trouble? which is when fate or the stars or possibly pancake day stroke shrove Tuesdee steps in and says all previous tricky and troublesome relationships will be transformed into good ones. It was a necessary phone call goes Owner to help aged sibling. did it go better than the utilities one I ventured (ooh I love a new word!). BY A MILE she goes. And more than this does she tramp back in later on this aft with half a ton of catfood and says we had a meeting with the big people and it went well. and if that isn't a turn round says Owner she doesn't know what is. How about turning round some tea time for me I said, because I've just woken up and found out I am starving? But she didn't hear me above putting the kettle on and stowing all the boxes and tins and pouches in their rightful place. And then feeding me. I love it.
Final zen para. Now last night Enders passed Owner by like a dream and all I can think it is because Staycee and her little child has gone but, Ronnie and her sister foxy are back in it plus we witnessed a present giving ceremony with Sharon and villain Phil plus Shazzer's chimney sweep son and his name thankfully neither me nor Owner can recall. Corrie on the other hand had me and Owner transfixed due to builders turning back up when they should be dead on the rubble and temptress Tina having a new flatmate and she has a nice bruvver and even Dev has turned 50 which we all know is the new 35 or so. We loved it. Tonight as Owner has slipped back into benign mode, we can cope with Enders again, possibly, as we still hope for Masood to take over a more central part other than being drunk and gambling and then it is our good hospital drama with plenty of doctors and nurses performing in and out of their wards. ~We love it. Now do go steady and be zen like and go steady wherever you are in the Wold. Big Love Wonka x
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